present Significado & definición

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Significado de present en español

  • 0 to be in a particular place -- estar presente

  • 1 happening or existing now -- actual

  • 2 in grammar, the form of a verb that is used to show what happens or exists now -- el presente

  • 3 something that you give to someone, usually on a special day -- regalo

  • 4 the period of time that is happening now -- el presente

    • Let’s talk about the present, not the past.

  • 5 now -- actualmente

  • 6 to give something to someone, often at a formal ceremony -- entregar

  • 7 a gift -- regalo [ masculine, singular ]

    • to give sb a present darle un regalo a alguien

    • birthday/Christmas presents regalos de cumpleaños/Navidad

  • 8 this moment or time -- presente [ masculine, singular ]

    • It’s important to live in the present, not the past. Es importante vivir en el presente, no en el pasado.

    • At present there are over 300 million people in this country. En la actualidad hay más de 300 millones de personas en este país.

  • 9 happening or existing now -- presente [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a solution to our present problems una solución a nuestros problemas actuales

    • We are not hiring at the present time. No estamos contratando en la actualidad.

  • 10 in a place or thing -- presente [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • There were twenty people present at the meeting. Había veinte personas presentes en la reunión.

    • tiny particles present in the air diminutas partículas presentes en el aire

  • 11 to give sth to sb, especially in a formal way -- entregar

    • He presented her with the gold medal. Él le entregó la medalla de oro.

    • an award presented to the best school in the state un premio otorgado al mejor colegio del estado

  • 12 to show and explain sth you have done to others -- presentar

  • 13 to be or cause a problem, risk, etc. -- plantear un problema

    • This roof presents a problem in the wind. Este techo representa una amenaza cuando hace viento.

  • 14 to show in a particular way -- presentar

    • The book presents an exciting look at life at sea. El libro presenta una visión emocionante a la vida en el mar.

  • 15 to show an official document to the authorities -- presentar

  • 16 to organize or create a performance, film, etc. -- presentar

  • 17 to introduce programs or guests on a TV or radio program -- presentar

    • He presents a quiz programme. Él presenta un concurso de preguntas.

  • 18 (of an opportunity, idea, etc.) to occur or become available -- surgir algo

    • Every time a challenge presented itself, the team played harder. Cada vez que se presentaba un desafío, el equipo jugaba con más empeño.

Más definiciones de present

Ejemplos de present

  • Although it may be presented in that way from time to time, it also has adverse side effects.

  • The developer is already resorting to euphemisms and presenting the project as a multi-functional centre.

  • I would like to respond to several points regarding the two reports just presented.

  • We must present our work as serious cooperation, even if, among ourselves, this is purely symbolic.

  • Their crime is not having had the money to catch a plane and present themselves at the airports.

  • If this is the case, does it intend to present another?

  • Tourists who are delayed for an hour would get a present of a hundred guilders!

  • We did not intend to give her a poisoned apple as a leaving present.

Más ejemplos de present

Traducciones de present en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    給予之物, (尤指表示友誼或致謝的)禮物,贈品, 現在…

  • 中文简体

    给予之物, (尤指表示友谊或致谢的)礼物,赠品, 现在…

  • Português

    presente, atual, prenda…

  • 日本語

    現在の, 今の, プレゼント…

  • Türk dili

    mevcut, var olan, hediye…

  • Français

    cadeau [masculine], présent [masculine], actuel/-elle…

  • Catalan

    actual, regal, lliurar…

  • العربية

    حاضِر, هَدِيّة, يُقَدِّم…

Más traducciones de present