award Significado & definición

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Significado de award en español

  • 0 a prize given to someone for something good they have done -- premio

  • 1 to officially give someone something such as a prize or an amount of money -- adjudicar

    • He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.

  • 2 a prize -- premio [ masculine ]

    • to win the award for best actor ganar el premio al mejor actor

  • 3 money given by a law court -- indemnización [ feminine ]

    • an award for damages una indemnización por daños

  • 4 to give a prize -- premiar

    • awarding a $500 prize for the best painting galardonar con un premio de 500$ a la mejor pintura

  • 5 to give sth officially after bidding -- conceder

    • They were awarded the contract. Se les concedió el contrato.

Más definiciones de award

Ejemplos de award

  • Over 120 young people have received awards so far.

  • We have also received some very good ideas including journalist awards.

  • Those who were awarded the prize last year live under difficult circumstances, but they live in peace.

  • I think the last award was so moving that we are still a little in awe of what has happened.

  • Whilst we are on the subject of finances: it is gratifying that this prize is now to be awarded three months in advance.

  • By stopping the winners from receiving their deserved prize, these regimes are proving that the award was deserved.

  • The award should have been accompanied by an effort for reconciliation with the families.

  • It is a particular pleasure because it is extremely difficult to recall another occasion on which the aims of an award and its recipient have cohered so perfectly.

Más ejemplos de award

Traducciones de award en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    給予,授予, 判給,裁定, 獎…

  • 中文简体

    给予,授予, 判给,裁定, 奖…

  • Português

    prêmio, concessão, conceder…

  • 日本語

    賞, 賞金, 賞品…

  • Türk dili

    ödül, başarı ödülü, para ödülü…

  • Français

    prix [masculine], dommages-intérêts [masculine, plural]…

  • Catalan

    premi, concedir…

  • العربية

    جائزة, يَمْنَح جائزة…

Más traducciones de award