law Significado & definición

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Significado de law en español

  • 0 the subject or job of understanding and dealing with the laws of a country -- derecho

  • 1 an official rule in a country -- ley

  • 2 the system of official rules in a country -- la ley

  • 3 If you have to do something by law, it is illegal not to do it. -- por ley

    • Children have to go to school by law.

  • 4 all the rules of a society -- ley [ feminine, singular ]

    • By law, you cannot smoke in restaurants. Por ley, no se puede fumar en los restaurantes.

    • to obey the law obedecer la ley

    • Talking on a cell phone while driving is against the law. Hablar por teléfono móvil mientras se conduce va contra la ley.

    • If you break the law, you go to jail. Si te saltas la ley, vas a la cárcel.

    • law enforcement officials oficiales de los cuerpos de seguridad

    • basic principles of law enforcement principios básicos del cumplimiento coercitivo de la ley

    • After the violence there was a brief return to law and order. Después de la violencia hubo un breve retorno a la ley y orden.

  • 5 a particular rule -- ley [ feminine, singular ]

    • a new law passed by Congress una nueva ley aprobada por el Congreso

    • laws against drunk driving leyes contra la conducción en estado de ebriedad

    • a federal/state law una ley federal/estatal

  • 6 the study of the rules of a society, or the practice of being a lawyer -- derecho [ masculine, singular ]

    • young people studying law jóvenes estudiando derecho

    • He went to law school in Boston. Él fue a la escuela de derecho en Boston.

    • a big law firm in the city un gran bufete de abogados en la ciudad

  • 7 a rule or principle in a particular area of knowledge or activity -- ley [ feminine, singular ]

    • the laws of science las leyes de la ciencia

    • the law of supply and demand la ley de la oferta y la demanda

  • 8 paying no attention to rules or accepted ways of behaving -- según su propio criterio

    • My brother has always been a law unto himself. Mi hermano siempre ha actuado según su propio criterio.

  • 9 to state rules and make clear that they must be obeyed -- sentar las reglas

    • His parents laid down the law before giving him the car keys. Sus padres sentaron las reglas antes de darle las llaves del coche.

  • 10 to try to solve a problem without the help of the legal authorities -- tomarse la justicia por tu mano

    • The two men took the law in their own hands and went to find the killer. los dos hombres se tomaron la justicia por su mano y fueron a buscar al asesino

Más definiciones de law

Ejemplos de law

  • Patent law seeks only to prohibit the unauthorized use of someone else's invention for commercial purposes.

  • Let us be honest, we live in a legally constituted state, in a community based on the rule of law.

  • By calling for reforms in the inhumane blasphemy laws, he was a human rights defender.

  • Then our response must be united, relentless and firm, but always proportionate and based upon the rule of law.

  • It is odd, therefore, that a law impairing human rights is now suddenly being devised.

  • Well, the problem today is to rediscover the majesty of the law.

  • To bring laws and real life closer together is to organise the emancipatory evolution of a society.

  • But it is also a source of frustration and anger for law-abiding citizens.

Más ejemplos de law

Traducciones de law en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    規定, 法,法律, 法律制度,法律體系…

  • 中文简体

    规定, 法,法律, 法律制度,法律体系…

  • Português

    Direito, lei…

  • 日本語

    法学, 法律…

  • Türk dili

    yasa, kanun, hukuk…

  • Français

    loi [feminine], droit [masculine], loi(s)…

  • Catalan

    dret, llei…

  • العربية


Más traducciones de law