system Significado & definición

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Significado de system en español

  • 0 a set of connected pieces of equipment that work together -- sistema

  • 1 a way or method of doing things -- sistema, método

  • 2 several separate parts that work together -- sistema [ feminine, singular ]

    • the body’s circulation system el sistema de circulación del cuerpo

    • the state’s university system el sistema universitario del estado

    • a system of cameras to monitor airport activity un sistema de cámaras para monitorizar la actividad del aeropuerto

  • 3 a carefully organized method -- sistema [ feminine, singular ]

    • the country’s new tax system el nuevo sistema fiscal del país

    • a system for dealing with customers’ calls un sistema para atender las llamadas de los clientes

  • 4 sb’s body -- organismo

    • The medication stays in your system for eight hours. El medicamento permanece en su sistema durante ocho horas.

  • 5 to do sth that gets rid of a bad feeling or habit -- despejarse

    • She’s rebellious right now, but she’ll get it out of her system. Ella está rebelde en este momento, pero se despejará.

Más definiciones de system

Ejemplos de system

  • Firstly, effective methods must be developed to identify talented young people and appropriate systems put in place to provide scholarships.

  • It would therefore be sensible to switch to a system of graded contributions, determined on the basis of a risk analysis carried out as appropriate to the banks.

  • The advantages which the satellite navigation systems provide are sensational.

  • Their efforts to establish a universal periodic human rights review system at world level are promising, but still not effective.

  • These systems must, however, have their counterparts in countries’ infrastructures so that there are people to take the calls.

  • Their sale creates new owners and a monopoly on the transmission system.

  • The most alarming new information is about the interplay between the climate system, the oceans and the terrestrial eco-systems.

  • I hope that together we can establish a comprehensive, coherent system that ensures the responsibility of each actor within it.

Más ejemplos de system

Traducciones de system en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    一套, (協同工作的)系統, (電腦)系統…

  • 中文简体

    一套, (协同工作的)系统, (计算机)系统…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    システム(ステレオシステムやアラームシステムのように機材をつないだもの), 手順, 方法…

  • Türk dili

    düzen, yol, metod…

  • Français

    système [masculine], système, organisme…

  • Catalan

    sistema, mètode…

  • العربية

    جِهاز, نِظام…

Más traducciones de system