supply Significado & definición

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Significado de supply en español

  • 0 to give things that people want or need, often over a long period of time -- suministrar, abastecer

  • 1 an amount of something that is ready to be used -- provisión

  • 2 an amount of sth that can be used -- reserva [ feminine, singular ]

    • a steady supply of gasoline una constante reserva de gasolina

    • Supplies of water are running out. Los suministros de agua se están agotando.

  • 3 the act or process of supplying sth -- suministro [ masculine, singular ]

  • 4 not easy to obtain or find -- quedar poco

    • Specialist teachers are in short supply. Los maestros especializados son escasos.

  • 5 to provide things for people -- proveer

    • a company that supplies natural gas to the region una empresa que provee de gas natural a la región

    • We supply schools with art and craft materials. Proveemos a las escuelas con materiales de arte y manualidades.

Más definiciones de supply

Ejemplos de supply

  • I should also mention that we have trade agreements which sometimes exacerbate the problems with regard to food supply and poverty in the world.

  • The long-term plan should include both gas supply networks and regional interconnections.

  • The report also places liability for vaccines with manufacturers, which may hinder the supply of vaccines and blurs lines of accountability.

  • Naturally, we are also interested in diversifying the supply and transport routes.

  • This report also comments on the composition of the fruit supply.

  • These include emergency relief, emergency supplies of drugs and medical equipment, water supply and basic, very immediate rehabilitation of health, water and sanitation infrastructures.

  • The supply of medication is a health service.

  • Securing the incomes of farmers and an adequate supply of good quality food must therefore be key goals of the common agricultural policy.

Más ejemplos de supply

Traducciones de supply en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    供應,提供,供給, 供應量,供給量…

  • 中文简体

    供应,提供,供给, 供应量,供给量…

  • Português

    abastecer, suprir, fornecer…

  • 日本語

    ~を供給する, 支給する, 提供する…

  • Türk dili

    sağlamak, tedarik etmek, vermek…

  • Français

    fournir, approvisionner, approvisionnement…

  • Catalan

    proveir, subministrar, provisió…

  • العربية

    يُزَوِّد, تَزْويد…

Más traducciones de supply