break Significado & definición

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Significado de break en español

  • 0 to separate into two or more pieces, or to make something separate into two or more pieces -- romper(se)

    • They had to break a window to get in.

  • 1 to damage a bone in your body -- romper

  • 2 to stop working or to make something stop working -- estropear(se)

    • Who broke the TV?

  • 3 to stop an activity and have a short rest -- hacer una pausa

  • 4 to not do something that you should do -- incumplir

  • 5 to come to an end or make something come to an end -- romper, interrumpir

  • 6 to do something that the law says you must not do -- incumplir la ley

  • 7 the act of stopping an activity for a short time, usually to rest -- descanso

  • 8 a holiday or period of time away from work or school -- escapada

  • 9 a place where something has broken -- rotura

  • 10 a temporary stopping of activity -- descanso [ masculine ]

    • a coffee/lunch break una pausa para tomar un café / comer

    • to take a break from full-time work tomar un descanso de tabajar a tiempo completo

  • 11 a chance for success -- chance [ masculine ]

    • I finally got a break when my parents lent me some money. Por fin tuve una oportunidad cuando mis padres me dejaron algo de dinero.

    • His big break came when he won a talent show. Su gran oportunidad llegó cuando ganó un concurso de talentos.

  • 12 where sth is broken -- rotura [ feminine ]

    • a break in the glass una rotura en el cristal

  • 13 a short vacation -- vacaciones [ feminine ]

    • students leaving for Spring Break estudiantes yéndose por las vacaciones de primavera

    • We took a break for a few days. Nos tomamos un descanso durante unos días.

  • 14 to stop being unpleasant to sb -- dejar a alguien en paz

    • Give her a break – she’s trying her hardest. Déjale en paz – lo está haciendo lo mejor que puede.

  • 15 emphasizes annoyance or disbelief -- déjame en paz

    • $5000 for a bike? Give me a break! ¿5000 dólares por una bicicleta? ¡Dame un respiro!

  • 16 to separate or make separate into pieces -- romper

    • I dropped my cup and it broke. Se me cayó mi taza y se rompió.

    • Break the candy bar in half. Parte la chocolatina por la mitad.

  • 17 to stop functioning or make stop functioning -- romperse

  • 18 to not follow a rule or law -- romper

    • to break the law/rules infringir la ley/las reglas

    • You broke your promise to me. Rompiste tu promesa conmigo.

  • 19 to end, or to stop a situation or activity -- romper

    • to break a habit/routine romper un hábito/una rutina

    • An explosion broke the silence. Una explosión rompió el silencio.

    • The drought seemed unlikely to break. Parecía improbable que se acabara la sequía.

  • 20 to become or make known -- estallar

    • News of his assassination broke around midnight. Noticias de su asesinato estallaron sobre medianoche.

    • Her father had died and someone had to break it to her. Su padre se había muerto y alguien tenía que decírselo.

  • 21 to force sb to lose emotional strength -- desquebrajar

    • The years of abuse finally broke her. Los años de abuso finalmente la desquebrajaron.

  • 22 to pause or to have a rest -- parar

    • We’ll break for coffee around 10:30. Vamos a parar para tomarnos un café a las 10:30h.

  • 23 to have equal profit and costs -- salir a la par

  • 24 to stop sb from falling directly to the ground -- interrumpir la caída

    • The branches broke his fall. Las ramas interrumpieron su caída.

  • 25 to escape or to get away -- liberarse

    • His grip loosened, and I broke free. Su agarre se aflojó, y me liberé.

  • 26 to make sb extremely sad -- romper el corazón de alguien

  • 27 to make people feel relaxed at the beginning of a party -- romper el hielo

    • She broke the ice with a joke. Ella rompió el hielo con un chiste.

  • 28 to do sth faster, better, etc. than ever before -- romper un record

Más definiciones de break

Ejemplos de break

  • The first concerns the rules governing the maximum number of hours behind the wheel for professional drivers and their minimum breaks and rest periods.

  • It should be published before the summer break.

  • The nomination procedure is underway and could be concluded before the summer break.

  • We should break at this stage and take the votes that remain at 5 p.m. this evening.

  • This means that you are already breaking one of your major promises.

  • This is why we must break away from neoliberal economic policies.

  • At some point now we must break the vicious circle.

  • The spell is breaking and the shamanistic incantations are losing their force.

Más ejemplos de break

Traducciones de break en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    損壞, 破碎,破裂, 打破…

  • 中文简体

    损坏, 破碎,破裂, 打破…

  • Português

    quebrar(-se), quebrar, parar…

  • 日本語

    壊れる(~を壊す), 割れる(~を割る), ~を骨折する…

  • Türk dili

    kırmak, bozulmak, çalışmamak…

  • Français

    pause [feminine], chance [feminine], félure [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    trencar(-se), trencar, espatllar(-se)…

  • العربية

    يَكْسِر, يَكْسِر (العَظْم), يُعَطِّل…

Más traducciones de break