silence Significado & definición

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Significado de silence en español

  • 0 a lack of sound -- silencio

    • The three men ate in silence.

  • 1 a period of time in which there is complete quiet or no speaking -- silencio

  • 2 to stop something making a sound or stop someone from talking -- hacer callar, silenciar

  • 3 when there is complete quiet -- silencio [ masculine, singular ]

  • 4 when sb does not talk -- silencio [ masculine, singular ]

    • She maintained her silence throughout the day. Ella mantuvo su silencio durante todo el día.

  • 5 a short period when everyone is quiet as a sign of respect -- silencio [ masculine, singular ]

    • a two-minute silence to remember those who died un silencio de dos minutos para recordar a los que murieron

  • 6 to do sth to prevent sb from talking about sth -- silenciar

    • They say the mafia silenced him. Dicen que la mafia le silenció.

  • 7 to stop sb or sth from making any sound -- callar

    • a plan to silence the dog un plan para callar al perro

Más definiciones de silence

Ejemplos de silence

  • Now, as then, the oppressors fail in their attempts to silence these courageous voices.

  • What has happened in the last few weeks cannot be passed over in silence.

  • Whatever standards of human rights we apply, such a state of affairs cannot be passed over in silence.

  • It is our essential duty to silence all of those who preach this vile ideology.

  • That is an order that has taken a vow of silence.

  • That is the sound of silence that heralds the clamour for this piece of legislation.

  • The silence of the poor can only be converted into a cry for help by those who have the necessary power and political influence.

  • However, there is absolute silence about the unions, now threatened by the reform of labour legislation and, in certain cases, by outright police repression.

Más ejemplos de silence

Traducciones de silence en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    安靜, 寧靜, 寂靜…

  • 中文简体

    安静, 宁静, 寂静…

  • Português

    silêncio, silenciar…

  • 日本語

    静けさ, 沈黙・無言の間(ま), (アラームなどを)止める…

  • Türk dili

    sessizlik, sükût, susma…

  • Français

    silence [masculine], réduire au silence, faire taire…

  • Catalan

    silenci, fer callar, silenciar…

  • العربية

    سُكوت, صَمْت, يُسكِت…

Más traducciones de silence