follow Significado & definición

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Significado de follow en español

  • 0 to move behind someone or something and go where they go -- seguir

    • She followed me into the kitchen.

  • 1 to happen or come after something -- seguir

  • 2 to travel along a path or road -- seguir un camino/una carretera

  • 3 to do what instructions or orders say you should do -- seguir instrucciones/órdenes

  • 4 to understand something -- seguir el hilo (de)

    • Could you say that again? I didn’t quite follow.

  • 5 used to introduce a list or description -- el/lo(s) siguiente(s)

  • 6 to go behind and in the same direction as -- seguir

    • She was sure someone was following her. Estaba segura de que alguien la estaba siguiendo.

    • Jenny rode off on her bike and I followed. Jenny se fue en su bicicleta y la seguí.

  • 7 to move along sth -- seguir

    • Follow the road until you come to a crossroads. Continúa por la carretera hasta llegar a una encrucijada.

  • 8 to happen next or after -- seguir

    • What followed was unbelievable. Lo que vino a continuación fue increíble.

    • Lunch will follow the meeting. El almuerzo seguirá a la reunión.

  • 9 to obey or do as instructed -- seguir

    • Follow the instructions on the box. Siga las instrucciones en la caja.

    • They did not follow the rules. Ellos no siguieron las reglas.

  • 10 to watch or pay attention to how sth develops -- seguir

    • I don’t usually follow the news. Normalmente no me mantengo al tanto de las noticias.

  • 11 to understand -- seguir

    • I didn’t follow a word she said. No seguí ni una palabra de lo que ella dijo.

  • 12 to do what sb else has done before -- seguir

Más definiciones de follow

Ejemplos de follow

  • I am happy to note that on all key issues we very much follow the same line.

  • Vigilance is called for and the internal political events will have to be followed carefully.

  • What we are discussing tonight has been following that set of rules.

  • Of course once again these noble words have been followed by scant action.

  • This is the only glimmer of hope in the despair which follows a vote which does us no credit.

  • The following are purely illustrative in the limited time available.

Más ejemplos de follow

Traducciones de follow en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    走, 跟隨, 跟著…

  • 中文简体

    走, 跟随, 跟着…

  • Português

    seguir, entender…

  • 日本語

    ~がついて来る(行く), ~について回る, ~に続く…

  • Türk dili

    takip etmek, peşinden gitmek, izlemek…

  • Français

    suivre, suivvre, comprendre…

  • Catalan

    seguir, seguir el fil (de), entendre…

  • العربية

    يَتْبَع, يُتابِع, يَسْتَوْعِب…

Más traducciones de follow