heart Significado & definición

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Significado de heart en español

  • 0 the organ inside your chest that sends blood around your body -- corazón

  • 1 the centre of something -- corazón

    • Her office is in the heart of Tokyo.

  • 2 someone’s deepest feelings and true character -- corazón, fondo

    • She has a kind heart.

  • 3 a shape that is used to mean love -- corazón

  • 4 used to say that you feel something very strongly -- con todo tu corazón

    • I thank you with all my heart.

  • 5 to make someone very unhappy -- romperle el corazón a alguien

  • 6 to want to get or achieve something very much -- querer algo con toda tu alma

    • She’s set her heart on having a pony.

  • 7 If you do something to your heart’s content, you do something enjoyable for as long as you want to do it -- hasta hartarse

  • 8 one of the four suits (= groups) of playing cards -- corazones

    • the five of hearts

  • 9 the organ in your body that pumps blood -- corazón [ masculine ]

    • I could hear her heart beating. Podía escuchar su corazón latir.

    • He has a weak heart. Él tiene un corazón débil.

  • 10 a person’s most basic or essential feelings or instincts -- corazón [ masculine ]

    • a woman with a good heart una mujer de buen corazón

    • I knew in my heart that she was right. Sabía en mi corazón que ella tenía razón.

    • a good-/cold-/tender-hearted person una persona buena/fría/tierna de corazón

    • He has problems, but he’s a good person at heart. Tiene problemas, pero en el fondo es una buena persona.

    • I want to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. Quiero expresar mi gratitud de todo corazón.

  • 11 the most central or important part -- corazón [ masculine ]

    • This is the heart of the company’s operations. Este es el centro de las operaciones de la compañía.

    • the author’s ability to get to the heart of the matter la capacidad del autor para llegar al fondo del asunto

  • 12 the center or middle -- corazón [ masculine ]

    • a city in the heart of wine country una ciudad en el corazón del país del vino

  • 13 the shape ( ♥ ) used to represent a heart -- corazón [ masculine ]

    • She drew a heart. Ella dibujó un corazón.

  • 14 [ plural ] the red suit of playing cards with heart shapes -- corazones

  • 15 to learn or know sth without having to look at it -- saber de memoria

    • She knew the poem by heart. Ella se aprendió el poema de memoria.

  • 16 indicates you feel sympathy for sb -- tener el corazón con

    • Our hearts go out to those who lost their homes. Nuestros corazones están con aquellos que perdieron sus hogares.

  • 17 indicates sb means to do the right things, even if they do the wrong thing -- ser buena persona

  • 18 indicates sb does not feel enthusiasm -- no tener ganas de

    • She was trying, but her heart wasn’t in it. Ella lo estaba intentando, pero no tenía ganas.

  • 19 indicates sb suddenly feels excited or scared -- parársele a uno el corazón

    • I heard her voice, and my heart missed a beat. Escuché su voz, y me dio un vuelco el corazón.

  • 20 indicates sb begins to feel sad or disappointed -- acongojársele a uno el corazón

    • His heart sank at the sight of the mess. Su corazón se acongojó al ver el desastre.

  • 21 to not do sth because it will upset sb -- no tener valor

  • 22 to want sth very much -- ponerse en mente

    • The team has their heart set on winning. El equipo tiene la ilusión de ganar.

  • 23 used to focus on sth positive in order to encourage sb -- ánimo

    • Take heart – it’ll all be over tomorrow. Anímate – todo habrá terminado mañana.

  • 24 to be very upset by sth sb says about you -- tomarse a pecho

    • She really took his criticism to heart. Ella realmente tomó a pecho sus críticas.

  • 25 as much or as many times as you want -- tanto como quieras

  • 26 completely -- de todo corazón

    • I love her with all my heart. La amo de todo corazón.

Más definiciones de heart

Ejemplos de heart

  • At heart, it is political decisions that govern the impact of globalisation.

  • We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  • Thank you from the bottom of my newly repaired heart.

  • This is the heart of the matter, this is what we must have the courage to do.

  • That is the heart of the matter.

  • It is true, however, that the conflict of man with his heart is the noblest sort of struggle.

  • I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

  • We used to call it 'hearts and minds'.

Más ejemplos de heart

Traducciones de heart en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    器官, 心臟, 感情…

  • 中文简体

    器官, 心脏, 感情…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    心臓, (~の)中心, 胸の内…

  • Türk dili

    kalp, yürek, merkez…

  • Français

    cœur [masculine], for [masculine] intérieur, centre [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    cor, centre…

  • العربية

    قَلْب, مَرْكَز, فؤاد…

Más traducciones de heart