heart Signification, définition

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Signification de heart en français

  • 0 the organ in your body that pumps blood -- cœur [ masculine ]

    • I could hear her heart beating. J’entendais battre son cœur.

    • He has a weak heart. Son cœur est malade.

  • 1 a person’s most basic or essential feelings or instincts -- cœur [ masculine ]

    • a woman with a good heart une femme qui a bon cœur

    • I knew in my heart that she was right. Je savais en mon for intérieur qu’elle avait raison.

    • a good-/cold-/tender-hearted person une personne bonne/froide/compatissante

    • He has problems, but he’s a good person at heart. Il a des problèmes mais au fond, c’est une bonne personne.

    • I want to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. Je veux exprimer ma gratitude du fond du cœur.

  • 2 [ singular ] the most central or important part -- centre [ masculine ]

    • This is the heart of the company’s operations. C’est le centre des opérations de la société.

    • the author’s ability to get to the heart of the matter la capacité de l’auteur à aller au fond du problème

  • 3 the center or middle -- cœur [ masculine ]

  • 4 the shape ( ♥ ) used to represent a heart -- cœur [ masculine ]

    • She drew a heart. Elle dessina un cœur.

  • 5 [ plural ] the red suit of playing cards with heart shapes -- cœur

  • 6 to learn or know sth without having to look at it -- apprendre/savoir par cœur

    • She knew the poem by heart. Elle connaissait le poème par cœur.

  • 7 indicates you feel sympathy for sb -- on est de tout cœur avec

    • Our hearts go out to those who lost their homes. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec ceux qui ont perdu leur foyer.

  • 8 indicates sb means to do the right things, even if they do the wrong thing -- qqn a bon cœur

  • 9 indicates sb does not feel enthusiasm -- le cœur de qqn n’est pas à qqch

    • She was trying, but her heart wasn’t in it. Elle essayait mais le cœur n’y était pas.

  • 10 indicates sb suddenly feels excited or scared -- le cœur de qqn fait un bond

    • I heard her voice, and my heart missed a beat. J’ai entendu sa voix et mon cœur a fait un bond.

  • 11 indicates sb begins to feel sad or disappointed -- on a un coup au cœur

    • His heart sank at the sight of the mess. Il a eu un coup au cœur en voyant le désordre.

  • 12 to not do sth because it will upset sb -- ne pas avoir le cœur à

    • I didn’t have the heart to tell him his mother wasn’t coming. Je n’ai pas eu le cœur de lui dire que sa mère ne viendrait pas.

  • 13 to want sth very much -- avoir à cœur de

  • 14 used to focus on sth positive in order to encourage sb -- prendre courage

    • Take heart – it’ll all be over tomorrow. Prends courage ; demain tout sera terminé.

  • 15 to be very upset by sth sb says about you -- prendre à cœur

    • She really took his criticism to heart. Elle a vraiment pris à cœur sa critique.

  • 16 as much or as many times as you want -- tout son soûl / son content

  • 17 completely -- de tout son cœur

    • I love her with all my heart. Je l’aime de tout mon cœur

  • 18 the organ which pumps blood through the body -- coeur

  • 19 the central part -- coeur

  • 20 the part of the body where one’s feelings, especially of love, conscience etc are imagined to arise -- coeur

    • She has a kind heart

    • You know in your heart that you ought to go

    • She has no heart (= She is not kind).

  • 21 courage and enthusiasm -- courage

  • 22 a symbol supposed to represent the shape of the heart; a white dress with little pink hearts on it; heart-shaped. -- (de) coeur

  • 23 one of the playing-cards of the suit hearts, which have red symbols of this shape on them. -- coeur

Plus de définitions de heart

Exemples de heart

  • It has been clearly specified that our objective is life-long pensions, which must be at the heart of our arrangements.

  • From the depths of our hearts, we wish you much success.

  • At heart, it is political decisions that govern the impact of globalisation.

  • We are convinced in our heart of hearts that growth policy may not be separated from sustainable growth.

  • The expansion of combined transport lies at the heart of the redeployment process and the new development of transport.

  • Finally, we should point out that defending the taxpayer is at the heart of defending the freedom of nations.

  • For me, a diehard federalist campaigner, it is at the heart of today's debate.

  • You obviously took that very much to heart.

Plus Exemples de heart

Traductions de heart dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    器官, 心臟, 感情…

  • 中文简体

    器官, 心脏, 感情…

  • Español

    corazón, fondo, corazón [masculine]…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    心臓, (~の)中心, 胸の内…

  • Türk dili

    kalp, yürek, merkez…

  • Catalan

    cor, centre…

  • العربية

    قَلْب, مَرْكَز, فؤاد…

Plus Traductions de heart dans d'autres langues



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