lose Signification, définition

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Signification de lose en français

  • 0 to put or drop sth somewhere so that you are unable to find it -- perdre

    • I think I lost my purse! Je crois que j’ai perdu mon porte-monnaie !

    • The bill got lost among all the other papers. La facture s’est perdue parmi tous les autres papiers.

  • 1 to not have sth anymore -- perdre

    • a woman who lost all her possessions in the flood une femme qui a perdu tous ses biens dans l’inondation

    • Because I was late, I lost the opportunity to meet him. Parce que j’étais en retard, j’ai raté l’occasion de le rencontrer.

    • She lost her job when the company moved overseas. Elle a perdu son emploi quand la société a emménagé à l’étranger.

  • 2 to gradually have less of sth, often until it is gone -- perdre

    • a teacher who has lost control of his class un professeur qui a perdu le contrôle de sa classe

    • Are you losing weight? Est-ce que tu perds du poids ?

    • to lose confidence/hope/respect/interest perdre confiance/espoir/respect/intérêt

  • 3 to not win a competition, election, etc. -- perdre

    • We lost the game by 3 runs. Nous avons perdu la partie par 3 jeux.

    • when Al Gore lost to George Bush in 2000 quand Al Gore a perdu face à George Bush en 2000

  • 4 to have sb you love die -- perdre

    • She lost her husband last year. Elle a perdu son mari l’année dernière.

  • 5 indicates how much better or worse sb’s situation will be depending on what they do now -- avoir … à perdre

    • She has a lot to lose if she doesn’t get promoted. Elle a beaucoup à perdre si elle n’est pas promue.

    • I have nothing to lose by asking the question. Je n’ai rien à perdre à poser la question.

  • 6 to not have control of your emotions -- craquer

    • We kept trying not to laugh, but finally we both lost it. Nous avons essayé de nous retenir de rire mais finalement nous avons craqué tous les deux.

    • The movie was so sadI completely lost it at the end. Le film était si triste, j’ai complètement craqué à la fin.

  • 7 to die -- perdre la vie

    • How many soldiers have to lose their lives? Combien de soldats doivent perdre la vie ?

  • 8 to become mentally ill -- perdre la tête

  • 9 to not know about or understand sb or sth anymore -- perdre le contact

    • She’s lost touch with her high school friends. Elle a perdu le contact avec ses amis du lycée.

    • a president who has lost touch with his party un président qui a perdu le contact avec son parti

  • 10 to stop having; to have no longer -- perdre

  • 11 to have taken away from one (by death, accident etc) -- perdre

  • 12 to put (something) where it cannot be found -- perdre

  • 13 not to win -- perdre

  • 14 to waste or use more (time) than is necessary -- perdre

Plus de définitions de lose

Exemples de lose

  • The doctor shouted that he would lose his arm and the soldier replied that he might as well lose his life.

  • It is therefore essential to make up lost ground rather than falling further behind.

  • All this means we are about to lose a year in providing the sector with three instruments fundamental to its management and development.

  • We should not lose sight of that in this context.

  • To my mind, tobacco production and the tobacco industry should not only lose our support but should gradually, but quickly, be eliminated.

  • It is true that it is easier to win than to lose.

Plus Exemples de lose

Traductions de lose dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    不再有, 丟失,遺失, 失去…

  • 中文简体

    不再有, 丢失,遗失, 失去…

  • Español


  • Português


  • 日本語

    ~を失くす, ~を失う, ~を減らす…

  • Türk dili

    kaybetmek, yitirmek, bir kısmını yitirmek/kaybetmek…

  • Catalan


  • العربية

    يَفْقِد, يَخْسَر, يَفقِد…

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