order Signification, définition

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Signification de order en français

  • 0 the way things are arranged -- ordre [ masculine ]

    • numerical/alphabetical order ordre numérique/alphabétique

    • Put them in order from shortest to tallest. Rangez-les dans l’ordre du plus petit au plus grand.

  • 1 a request saying what you would like to buy -- commande [ feminine ]

    • The waiter came to take their order. Le serveur est venu prendre leur commande.

    • I put in an order for 10 new laptops. J’ai passé une commande de 10 nouveaux ordinateurs portables.

  • 2 when a situation is well organized -- ordre [ masculine ]

    • How do you keep order with a class of more than 40 children? Comment est-ce que tu maintiens l’ordre avec une classe de plus de 40 enfants ?

  • 3 a statement that you are expected to obey -- ordre [ masculine ]

    • The sergeant gave the order. Le sergent a donné l’ordre.

    • soldiers following/obeying orders des soldats suivant les / obéissant aux ordres

  • 4 correct according to rules or laws -- en ordre

    • Everything seems to be in order. Tout semblait être en ordre.

  • 5 so that -- afin de/que

    • He yelled and waved his arms in order to get her attention. Il cria et agita les bras afin d’attirer son attention.

    • In order for us to operate, the patient must lose weight. Afin que nous puissions opérer, le patient doit perdre du poids.

  • 6 (of a machine) broken, not working -- hors service

    • Out of order – do not use. Hors service ; ne pas utiliser.

  • 7 to tell sb what they must do -- ordonner

    • The general ordered his men to retreat. Le général a ordonné à ses hommes de battre en retraite.

  • 8 to request that sth such as food or goods be brought or sent to you -- commander

    • We told the waitress we needed to order. Nous avons dit à la serveuse que nous devions commander.

    • I ordered a new table for the dining room. J’ai commandé une nouvelle table pour la salle à manger.

  • 9 to arrange sth in a particular order -- ordonner

    • We ordered the letters by date. Nous avons classé les lettres par date.

  • 10 a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command -- ordre

    • He gave me my orders.

  • 11 an instruction to supply something -- commande

    • We received several orders from Germany for spare parts.

  • 12 something supplied -- commande

  • 13 a tidy state -- ordre

    • The house is in (good) order.

  • 14 a system or method -- ordre

  • 15 an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc -- ordre

  • 16 a peaceful condition -- ordre

    • law and order.

  • 17 a written instruction to pay money -- mandat

    • a banker’s order.

  • 18 a group, class, rank or position -- ordre

  • 19 a religious society, especially of monks -- ordre

    • the Benedictine order.

  • 20 to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority) -- ordonner

    • He ordered me to stand up.

  • 21 to give an instruction to supply -- commander

  • 22 to put in order -- organiser, ordonner

Plus de définitions de order

Traductions de order dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    要求, 點菜, 訂製…

  • 中文简体

    要求, 点菜, 订制…

  • Español

    pedido, orden, pedir…

  • Português

    pedido, encomenda, ordem…

  • 日本語

    (料理の)注文, 順序, 命令…

  • Türk dili

    sıra, düzen, talimat…

  • Catalan

    comanda, ordre, demanar…

  • العربية

    طَلَب, تَرْتيب, أمْر…

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