spare Signification, définition

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Signification de spare en français

  • 0 extra and available to use if necessary -- de rechange/secours

    • a spare tire in the trunk of the car un pneu de secours dans le coffre de la voiture

    • Do you have a spare pen I could borrow? As-tu un autre stylo que je pourrais emprunter ?

    • I have no spare time at all this week. Je n’ai pas du tout de temps libre cette semaine.

  • 1 to give sth to sb when you have more than you need -- mettre à la disposition

    • I have some paper I can spare. J’ai du papier que je peux mettre à disposition.

    • Can you spare anyone to help us out? Pouvez-vous vous passer de quelqu’un qui pourrait nous donner un coup de main.

  • 2 to save from having to suffer -- épargner

    • She was spared the embarrassment of having to apologize. On lui a épargné l’embarras de devoir s’excuser.

    • She begged them to spare her father’s life. Elle les a suppliés d’épargner la vie de son père.

  • 3 to make a big effort, spend a lot of money, etc. -- ne pas ménager les efforts/frais etc.

    • He spared no expense on the wedding. Il n’a pas ménagé les frais pour le mariage.

  • 4 left over, extra -- disponible

    • I have twenty minutes to spare, so let’s get some coffee. J’ai vingt minutes devant moi, alors prenons un café.

    • I bought two pairs of jeans and still had money to spare. J’ai acheté deux jeans et il me restait encore de l’argent

  • 5 an extra of sth that you can use if necessary -- de rechange

    • The batteries are dead, and I don’t have any spares. Les piles sont mortes et je n’en ai pas de rechange.

  • 6 to manage without -- se passer de

    • No-one can be spared from this office.

  • 7 to afford or set aside for a purpose -- réserver à

  • 8 to treat with mercy; to avoid injuring etc -- épargner qqn

    • ‘Spare us!’ they begged.

  • 9 to avoid causing grief, trouble etc to (a person) -- épargner

  • 10 to avoid using, spending etc -- ménager

  • 11 to avoid troubling (a person with something); to save (a person trouble etc) -- épargner (qqch. à qqn)

  • 12 extra; not actually being used -- disponible

  • 13 (of time etc) free for leisure etc -- libre

  • 14 a spare part (for a car etc) -- pièce de rechange

  • 15 an extra wheel etc, kept for emergencies. -- roue de secours

Plus de définitions de spare

Exemples de spare

  • We must not spare efforts to help the central government extend its authority to the entire country.

  • She was able to spare some of my blushes and protect me from some of the awful stuff that was available!

  • Reports show that a number of officers carrying out the punishment are eager to accept bribes to spare the victims.

  • I believe that we should spare ourselves the public ridicule and the public rejection.

  • You know my respect for the manner in which you preside here, but could you spare us the enumeration of the results in such detail.

  • Sometimes the reverse occurs: one of the parents grew up in a disruptive or violent family and wants to spare their children this experience at whatever cost.

  • So we had half an hour to spare.

  • Parents often do not even know what risks their children are exposed to or are not at all interested in how they spend their spare time.

Plus Exemples de spare

Traductions de spare dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    額外的, 額外的,備用的, 多餘的…

  • 中文简体

    额外的, 额外的,备用的, 多余的…

  • Español

    de sobra, dar, dedicar…

  • Português

    a mais, de sobra, dispensar…

  • 日本語

    予備の, 余分の, 控えの…

  • Türk dili

    yedek, yedek eşya/nesne/parça, para/zaman ayırmak/vermek…

  • Catalan

    sobrer, donar, dedicar…

  • العربية

    اِحْتياطي, يَسْتَغني عَن, احتياطي…

Plus Traductions de spare dans d'autres langues



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