spare Significado & definición

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Significado de spare en español

  • 0 If something is spare, it is extra and not being used. -- de sobra

  • 1 time when you are not working -- tiempo libre

  • 2 to give time or money to someone -- dar, dedicar

  • 3 an extra thing that is not being used, and that can be used instead of a part that is broken, lost, etc. -- repuesto

  • 4 extra and available to use if necessary -- de sobra

    • a spare tire in the trunk of the car un neumático de repuesto en el‎ maletero del coche.

    • Do you have a spare pen I could borrow? ¿Tienes una pluma de repuesto que podrías prestarme?

    • I have no spare time at all this week. No tengo tiempo libre en toda esta semana.

  • 5 to give sth to sb when you have more than you need -- donar

    • I have some paper I can spare. Tengo un papel que puedo dejar .

    • Can you spare anyone to help us out? ¿Puedes conseguir a alguien para que nos ayude?

  • 6 to save from having to suffer -- ahorrar el sufrimiento

    • She was spared the embarrassment of having to apologize. Ella se ahorró la vergüenza de tener que disculparse.

    • She begged them to spare her father’s life. Ella les rogó que le perdonaran la vida a su padre.

  • 7 to make a big effort, spend a lot of money, etc. -- no escatimar

    • He spared no expense on the wedding. Él no reparó en gastos en la boda.

  • 8 left over, extra -- de repuesto

    • I have twenty minutes to spare, so let’s get some coffee. Tengo veinte minutos de sobra, así que vamos a tomar un café.

    • I bought two pairs of jeans and still had money to spare. Compré dos pares de jeans y todavía tenía dinero de sobra.

  • 9 an extra of sth that you can use if necessary -- repuesto [ masculine, singular ]

    • The batteries are dead, and I don’t have any spares. Las baterías están agotadas, y no tengo ningunas de repuesto.

Más definiciones de spare

Ejemplos de spare

  • They do it in their spare time and do not get paid a penny more.

  • The investment fund industry will not be spared by the financial crisis; we know that now.

  • All independent garages and the market in spare parts with all its employees, the many small and medium-sized enterprises, can also breathe a sigh of relief, however.

  • The organisation which is supposed to provide translations often instructs external translators automatically without even checking whether there is any spare capacity available in the internal organisation.

  • No effort was spared so that the major works expected by our fellow citizens could be authorized as quickly as possible.

  • What they did not give us was any training for our motor mechanics or spare parts.

  • The other partners, namely spare parts manufacturers and repair workshops, are pleased with the draft directive.

  • The expected results include a possible fall in the price of repairs and spare parts for vehicles, thereby creating certain benefits for users.

Más ejemplos de spare

Traducciones de spare en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    額外的, 額外的,備用的, 多餘的…

  • 中文简体

    额外的, 额外的,备用的, 多余的…

  • Português

    a mais, de sobra, dispensar…

  • 日本語

    予備の, 余分の, 控えの…

  • Türk dili

    yedek, yedek eşya/nesne/parça, para/zaman ayırmak/vermek…

  • Français

    de rechange/secours, autre, mettre à la disposition…

  • Catalan

    sobrer, donar, dedicar…

  • العربية

    اِحْتياطي, يَسْتَغني عَن, احتياطي…

Más traducciones de spare