enjoy Significado & definición

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Significado de enjoy en español

  • 0 If you enjoy something, it makes you feel happy. -- disfrutar de

    • I hope you enjoy your meal.

    • I really enjoyed being with him.

  • 1 to like something that you are doing -- pasarlo bien

    • It was a great party – I really enjoyed myself.

  • 2 to get pleasure from -- disfrutar

    • I really enjoyed meeting him. Me encantó conocerle.

    • I don’t enjoy horror movies. No disfruto viendo películas de miedo.

    • Thanks for inviting me – I enjoyed myself. Gracias por invitarme – me lo pasé muy bien.

    • Here’s your pasta – Enjoy! Aquí está tu pasta – ¡Que la disfrute!

  • 3 to benefit from -- beneficiarse

    • At the beginning of the season the team enjoyed a ten-game lead. Al comienzo de la temporada el equipo gozaba de una ventaja de diez partidos.

Más definiciones de enjoy

Ejemplos de enjoy

  • After restoring our independence in 1991, we finally enjoyed the liberty to speak our language and treasure our culture and identity.

  • For many of us, it is an ideological question why environmental organisations should enjoy a privileged position compared to other organisations.

  • I trust that you will all now go and enjoy a nice juicy steak!

  • On the other hand, we have a moral duty to safeguard our citizens' right to enjoy pensions which provide them with a decent living.

  • All those who work with our elderly people must be able to enjoy freedom of association and rest time, and must not be subject to harassment and arbitrary practices.

  • They want to be able to work and to enjoy the fruits of their work.

  • Secondly, the regime does not enjoy internal peace in order to concentrate exclusively on promoting a more assertive foreign policy.

  • So far, this sector has enjoyed a sound reputation where security is concerned.

Más ejemplos de enjoy

Traducciones de enjoy en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    樂趣, 享受…的樂趣, 喜愛…

  • 中文简体

    乐趣, 享受…的乐趣, 喜爱…

  • Português

    desfrutar de, gostar de, curtir…

  • 日本語


  • Türk dili

    hoşlanmak, sevmek, zevk almak…

  • Français

    aimer, apprécier, jouir de…

  • Catalan

    gaudir de…

  • العربية


Más traducciones de enjoy