
  • En [ speər]
  • Us [ sper]


  • 0 If something is spare, it is available to use because it is extra. -- 額外的,備用的;多餘的

    • a spare key/tyre 備用鎖匙/輪胎

    • spare sheets and blankets 多餘的床單和毛毯

    • Do you have a spare pen? 你有多餘的筆嗎?

    • We have a spare room if you want to stay overnight with us. 要是你想在我們這裡過夜的話,我們有一個空房間。

    • Could I have a word with you when you have a spare moment/minute? 如果你有時間,我能否和你談兩句?

    • UK informal "Do you want this cake?" "Yes, if it's going spare (= if no one else wants it)." 「你要這塊蛋糕嗎?」「如果沒有別人要,就給我吧。」

    • I like to paint in my spare time. 我業餘時間喜歡畫畫。

  • 1 tall and thin -- 瘦高的,瘦長的

    • He had the spare build of a runner. 他有著賽跑運動員的瘦長體型。

  • 2 plain and not decorated -- 簡樸的,未裝飾的

  • 3 to get very upset or angry -- 很惱火,很生氣

    • She goes spare if I'm so much as five minutes late. 如果我遲到五分鐘,她就會很生氣。

  • 4 to not hurt or destroy something or someone -- 饒恕;不傷害;不毀壞

    • They asked him to spare the women and children. 他們要他放過婦女和兒童。

  • 5 to prevent someone from having to experience something unpleasant -- 使避免,使免遭

    • Luckily, I was spared the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everyone. 幸運的是,我躲過了在大家面前唱歌的尷尬。

    • It was a nasty accident - but I'll spare you (= I won't tell you) the gruesome details. 那是一起嚴重的事故——我就不跟你講那些令人毛骨悚然的細節了。

  • 6 to use a lot of effort, expense, etc. to do something -- 不遺餘力/不惜成本

  • 7 to give time, money, or space to someone, especially when it is difficult for you -- (尤指在自己困難的情況下)抽出,撥出,擠出

    • [ + two objects ] Could you spare me £20? 你能抽出20英鎊給我嗎?

    • I'd love to come, but I can't spare the time. 我很想來,但恐怕沒時間。

    • Spare a thought for me tomorrow, when you're lying on a beach, because I'll still be here in the office! 明天你躺在海灘上的時候,就想想我吧,因爲我還在辦公室裡!

    • If you have any woolyarn to spare when you've finished the sweater, can you make me some gloves? 如果你織完毛衣還剩下毛線的話,可以給我織副手套嗎?

    • I caught the plane with only two minutes to spare. 我趕上飛機時距離起飛只剩兩分鐘了。

    • There's no time/We have no time to spare if we want to get the article written by tomorrow. 如果我們想明天就把這篇文章寫完,那麽就沒剩多少時間了。

  • 8 an extra thing that is not being used and can be used instead of a part that is broken, lost, etc. -- 備用品



  • I keep a spare tyre in the back of the car.

  • Do it in a spare moment at the weekend or whenever - it really doesn't matter.

  • We should be in when you arrive, but if the worst comes to the worst, the neighbours have a spare key and will let you into the house.

  • We were able to bunk down in a spare room for the night.

  • He bought an old engine and cannibalized it for spare parts.

  • This can spare clarification exchanges that can be tedious for the user.

  • Instead, farmers used their retirement funds, business profits and spare cash to pay for their farms.

  • The pipeline owner is obliged to transport the gas if the pipeline has spare capacity.



  • 中文简体

    额外的, 额外的,备用的, 多余的…

  • Español

    de sobra, dar, dedicar…

  • Português

    a mais, de sobra, dispensar…

  • 日本語

    予備の, 余分の, 控えの…

  • Türk dili

    yedek, yedek eşya/nesne/parça, para/zaman ayırmak/vermek…

  • Français

    de rechange/secours, autre, mettre à la disposition…

  • Catalan

    sobrer, donar, dedicar…

  • العربية

    اِحْتياطي, يَسْتَغني عَن, احتياطي…








