
  • En [ taɪm]
  • Us [ taɪm]


  • 0 the part of existence that is measured in minutes, days, years, etc., or this process considered as a whole -- 时间

    • He wants to spend more time with his family. 他想多花时间陪家人。

    • Time passes so quickly when you're having fun. 玩得高兴时,时间过得特别快。

    • She grew more and more fascinated by the subject as time went on/by. 随着时间的推移,她对这门学科越来越着迷。

    • The curtains have faded over/with time (= as years have gone past). 年深日久,窗帘已经褪色了。

    • You'll forget her in time (= in the future). 你迟早会忘记她的。

    • Over the course of time (= as years have gone past), holes have formed in the rock. 随着岁月的流逝,岩石上出现了洞眼。

    • When Paula was ill, I took her some magazines to help her pass the time. 葆拉生病时,我给她带去一些杂志帮她消磨时间。

    • If you'd taken more time with/over (= spent more time doing) this essay, you could have done it much better. 如果你在这篇文章上多花些时间,本可以写得好得多。

    • It takes a long time (= many hours are needed) to get from London to Sydney. 从伦敦到悉尼要花很长时间。

    • We'd save time on our journey (= it would be quicker) if we went by train. 如果我们坐火车去,就会在旅程上节约时间。

    • I only worked there for a short period of time. 我只在那儿工作过很短一段时间。

    • The kitchen clock is gaining/losing time (= is going fast/slow). 厨房的钟快/慢了。

    • My watch has never kept very good time (= been correct). 我的手表从来都不准。

    • I wish you'd stop criticizing me all the time. 我希望你别再没完没了地批评我了。

    • The kids ate their dinner in no time. 孩子们很快吃完了饭。

    • We'll be home in next to no time. 我们很快就能回到家。

    • Come on, there's no time to lose, we have to get home before John finds out. 赶快,没有时间耽搁了,我们必须在约翰发现之前赶到家。

    • I will love you for all time. 我会永远爱你。

    • She's been called the greatest singer of all time. 她被称为有史以来最伟大的演唱家。

  • 1 the system of recording hours used in different parts of the world -- (世界各地不同的)计时体系

    • Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治标准时间

    • daylight saving time 夏令时

  • 2 an amount of time that you have available to do something -- (可以用来做某事的)时间

    • I don't know how you find time to do all the things you do. 我不知道你是怎么抽出时间做所有这些事情的。

    • I thought we'd give her a little more time (= allow her more time) to get the job done. 我原以为我们会多给她一点儿时间完成工作。

    • I'd like to visit all the museums but time is short (= there is little time left). 所有的博物馆我都想参观,可时间不够。

    • We don't have much time before the train leaves. 在火车发车之前我们的时间不多了。

    • Do you have time for a quick drink after work? 下班后你有没有时间小酌一杯?

    • I'd like to learn to sail, but I don't have the time (= I am too busy). 我想学驾帆船,可我没时间。

    • [ + to infinitive ] I don't have time to go to the shops today. 我今天没有时间去商店购物。

    • If you'd done your work instead of wasting time on your phone, you'd be finished by now. 如果你当时继续工作而不是浪费时间玩手机,你现在已经完成任务了。

    • She ran out of time and didn't finish the last question. 她时间不够,最后一道题没有答完。

    • I'd like to continue this discussion but we're all out of time. 我很想继续讨论,但我们的时间不够。

    • OK, everyone, time's up for this week. 好了,各位,这星期的就到这里。

    • His goal in the third minute of time added on sealed the match. 他在比赛伤停补时阶段的第三分钟射进一球,决定了比赛的胜利。

  • 3 a particular period of time for which something has been happening, or that is needed for something -- 一段时间

    • After a time, it became clear that nobody was interested in coming to the meetings. 过了一阵子,情况变得很明显,没有人想来参加会议。

    • They stayed with us for a short time. 他们跟我们住了很短一段时间。

    • That was the best restaurant I've been to for/in a long time (= a long period has gone past since I went to such a good restaurant). 那是我很长一段时间以来去过的最好的饭店。

    • It was some time ago that I last heard from her. 我最后一次收到她的信已有一段时间了。

    • We're going on holiday in two weeks' time (= after two weeks have passed). 我们过两周要去度假。

    • During her time (= while she was) in office, the prime minister introduced a large number of changes. 首相在执政期间推行了多项改革。

    • What do you like doing in your spare/free time (= when you are not working)? 你业余时间喜欢做什么?

    • I asked my boss if I could have some time off (from work) to go to the dentist. 我问老板我能不能请一会儿假去看牙医。

    • For a time, we all thought that Sheila and Frank would get married. 我们一度都认为希拉和弗兰克会结婚。

    • I've been doing yoga for some time. 我做瑜伽已有一段时间。

    • Leave the ironing for the time being - I'll do it later. 暂且先别烫衣服——我晚些时候来做。

  • 4 a particular point in the day, as expressed in hours and minutes or shown on a clock, or a particular point in time -- 时刻;时间点;钟点

    • What time is it? 现在几点了?

    • mainly UK "What's the time?" "It's ten o'clock." “现在什么时间?”“10点钟。”

    • What time do you finishwork? 你什么时候完成工作?

    • Have you got the time? (= Do you know what time it is?) 你知道几点了吗?

    • He's teaching his daughter to tell the time (= to recognize what time it is by looking at a clock). 他在教女儿看钟表。

    • Did you find out the times of the trains to Kiev? 你查到去基辅的火车的发车时间了吗?

    • The estimated time of arrival/departure of this flight is 11.15. 这次航班估计在11点15分到达/起飞。

    • mainly UK Oh dear, is that the (right) time? (= is it really so late?) 哦,天哪,有这么晚了吗?

    • We always have dinner at the same time every day. 我们每天总是在同一时间吃晚饭。

    • I was exhausted by the time (= when) I got home. 我到家时已经筋疲力尽了。

    • When would be a good time for me to call you? 我什么时候给你打电话合适?

    • "What would be the best time of day for us to deliver the table?" "Oh, any time will be OK." “我们什么时候送桌子最合适?”“哦,什么时候都行。”

    • Today's temperatures will be normal for the time of year (= will be as they are expected to be in this season). 今天的气温会和往年此时的平均气温一样。

    • Just think, this time (= at the same particular point during) next week we'll be in Aruba. 想想吧,下星期这个时候我们就在阿鲁巴岛了。

    • We regret that at the present time (US also at this time) we are unable to supply the products you ordered. 很遗憾,我们现在无法供应您订的货。

    • The time is fast drawing near/approaching (= it will soon be the time) when we'll have to make a decision. 我们必须下决心的时刻很快就要到了。

    • It seemed like a good idea at the time. 在当时这似乎是个好主意。

    • We arrived at the same time. 我们同时到达。

    • At his time of life, he ought to be taking things easy. 他这样年纪应该享享清福了。

  • 5 a particular point of the day, year, etc. that is suitable for a particular activity, or at which something is expected to happen -- (从事特定活动或某事应该发生的)时间,时候

  • 6 an occasion when something happens, or the experience connected with it -- 次,回;一段经历

    • The last time we went to Paris, it rained every day. 上一次我们去巴黎的时候,每天都下雨。

    • Every time/Each time I ask you to do something you say you're busy. 每次我叫你做事,你都说太忙。

    • They go swimming three or four times a week. 他们每周去游泳三四次。

    • There are times when I wish I didn't live where I do. 有时我真希望我不是住在现在的地方。

    • The four-times champion (= the champion on four occasions in the past) was defeated in the second round. 这名曾4度夺冠的选手在比赛的第二轮就被打败了。

    • If I'd known at the time (= then) that she was his former wife, I'd never have said what I did. 我当时要是知道她是他前妻的话,我就不会那样说了。

    • Sometimes I enjoy my English classes, but at other times I find them really boring. 有时我很喜欢英语课,但有时也感觉很枯燥。

    • For the umpteenth/hundredth/thousandth time, (= I've told you on many occasions to) stop teasing your sister. 我无数次/上百次/上千次告诉过你,别再戏弄你妹妹了。

    • Did you have a bad/good time (= an unpleasant/enjoyable experience) at the conference? 你会开得好/不好吗?

    • She had an easy/hard time of it (= a comfortable/uncomfortable experience) with the birth of her second baby. 她生第二个孩子时很顺利/艰难。

    • From time to time I still think of her. 我偶尔还会想起她。

    • Time after time she gets involved in relationships with the wrong men. 她一次次地与不般配的男人陷入情感纠葛。

    • I've told you time and time again - look before you cross the road. 我多次跟你说过——过马路之前要先看一看。

    • When you're at the airport, you should make sure you have your luggage with you at all times. 在机场,要把行李一直带在你身边。

    • Only a certain number of people are allowed in the building at any one time. 该建筑任何时候都只允许一定数量的人员进入。

    • I'm sorry, but I'm too busy to help you now - I can only do one thing at a time. 对不起,我现在太忙了,不能帮你——我一次只能做一件事。

    • You can be really annoying at times, you know. 要知道,你有时很令人恼火。

    • Parking is not allowed here at any time. 这里任何时候都不得停车。

    • The times I've told you, ask before you borrow my clothes. 我已经告诉你许多次了,在借用我的衣服之前要先问一声。

  • 7 a period in history -- 历史时期;时代

    • "A Tale of Two Cities" is set at the time of the French Revolution. 小说《双城记》是以法国大革命时期为背景的。

    • In/During medieval times, women thought to be witches were burned at the stake. 中世纪时期,人们把被认为是女巫的女人烧死在火刑柱上。

    • In times gone by, all crops were harvested by hand. 在过去的时代里,所有的农作物都是手工收割的。

    • Times were hard (= living conditions were not good) when I was a boy. 我小时候日子很艰难。

    • He is widely regarded as one of the best writers of modern/our times (= the present or very recent past). 人们普遍认为他是现代/我们这个时代最优秀的作家之一。

    • I never thought it would happen in my time (= before I died). 我怎么也想不到这会在我有生之年发生。

    • We sat and talked about old times (= things that had happened to us in the past.) 我们坐下来谈论往事。

    • Times have changed and many more women now have executive jobs than in the past. 时代已经变了,置身高级管理职位的女性数量比过去多得多了。

    • At one time, George Eliot lived here. 乔治‧艾略特曾一度住在这里。

    • I don't remember the Beatles - they were before my time. 我对甲壳虫乐队没有什么印象——那是我出生前的事。

    • Time was (when) you could buy a loaf of bread for sixpence. 过去,你花6便士就能买到一条面包。





  • 中文简体

    分/日/年, 时间, (世界各地不同的)计时体系…

  • Español

    hora, tiempo, vez…

  • Português

    hora, tempo, vez…

  • 日本語

    時刻, ~時, 時…

  • Türk dili

    zaman, vakit, fırsat…

  • Français

    temps [masculine], heure [feminine], époque [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    hora, temps, vegada…

  • العربية

    ساعة, مَوْعِد, زَمَن…








