
  • En [ wɪʃ]
  • Us [ wɪʃ]


  • 0 used with the past simple to express that you feel sorry or sad about a state or situation that exists at the moment -- (与过去时连用,对已经存在的情况表示遗憾)但愿,希望

    • I wish (that) I was/were a bit taller. 我个子再高一点就好了。

    • I wish (that) you were coming with me, Peter. 你要是和我一起去就好了,彼得。

    • I wish (that) I hadn't eaten so much. 我真希望自己没吃那么多。

    • I bet she wishes (that) she'd never got involved in the whole mess. 我敢打赌她希望自己从未卷入整个事件里去。

  • 1 to want to do something -- 希望;想要

    • As you wish, Sir. It will be done. 只要是您想要这样,先生。我们一定会去做。

    • [ + to infinitive ] I wish to make a complaint. 我要投诉。

    • Passengers wishing to take the Kings Cross train should board now. 去往国王十字车站的乘客请现在上车。

    • I don't wish to worry you but he did say he'd be back by midnight. 我不想让你担心,但他确实说过午夜之前会回来。

    • [ + obj + adj ] Sometimes I was so depressed that I wished myself dead. 有时我特别消沉,甚至希望自己死了。

    • I wish she'd shut up for a minute and let someone else talk. 我希望她能闭一会儿嘴,让其他人来说。

    • I wish you'd look at me when I'm trying to talk to you! 我希望在我跟你讲话时你能看着我!

  • 2 to hope or express hope for another person's success or happiness or pleasure on a particular occasion -- 祝愿

    • We wish you every success in the future. 我们祝愿你将来事事成功。

    • I didn't even see her to wish her a happy birthday/wish a happy birthday to her. 我甚至没能见到她,当面祝福她生日快乐。

    • I wished her a safe journey and waved her off. 我祝她旅途平安,并与她挥手道别。

    • I wished him well with his new venture. 我祝他的新企业成功。

  • 3 to hope that something you want will be made real because of good luck or magical powers -- 希望(因为好运或魔力而)梦想成真

    • [ + that ] I remember blowing out the candles on my birthday cake and wishing that John Lee would be my boyfriend. 我记得吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,并默默希望约翰‧李能成为我的男朋友。

    • If I could wish myself anywhere in the world (= go anywhere as a result of making a wish) right now it would be somewhere hot and sunny. 如果现在我想去什么地方就能去什么地方的话,我希望去一个暖风扑面阳光明媚的地方。

    • He's funny, bright, handsome - everything a girl could wish for really. 他幽默、聪明而又英俊——真正拥有一个女孩子希望的一切。

    • "Your job must be very glamorous." "I wish!" (= not at all.) “你的工作一定非常有意思。”“我倒希望是那样!”

    • "By the time I'm 40, I'll be rich." "You wish!" (= There is no chance of that happening.) “到了40岁的时候,我就会富了。”“你想得美!”

  • 4 to welcome someone with particular words or a particular action -- (用特定的言辞或举动)欢迎,问候

    • He wishes me every morning. 他每天早上都问候我。

  • 5 a feeling of wanting something -- 希望;愿望

  • 6 something you say or write at the end of a letter, etc. to show that you hope someone is happy and has good luck -- (用于信件末尾)祝好

    • He ended the letter "Best wishes, Carlo". 他用“祝好,卡洛”结束了那封信。

    • Best wishes for a speedy recovery. 祝你早日康复。

    • With best wishes, Louise Foster. 把最诚挚的祝福送给你,路易丝‧福斯特。

    • When you see Joyce, please give her my good wishes. 当你见到乔伊斯时,请送上我的美好祝福。

  • 7 a hope that is made real with magical powers -- (靠魔术实现的)愿望,心愿

    • [ + that ] If I could have just one wish I suppose it would be that all the fighting in the world would stop tomorrow. 如果我只有一个愿望可以实现,那我希望世界上所有的战争明天都停止。

    • Close your eyes and make a wish. 闭上眼睛许一个愿。

    • It's that part of the story where the fairy grants the little girl three wishes. 故事里的那个片断中,仙女答应实现小女孩的3个愿望。

    • May all your wishes come true. 祝你所有的心愿都成真。





  • 中文繁体

    後悔, (與過去時連用,對已經存在的情況表示遺憾)但願,希望, (與過去完成時連用,對過去某事表示悔恨)但願,希望…

  • Español

    deseo, desear, ojalá…

  • Português

    desejo, vontade…

  • 日本語

    願い, 希望…

  • Türk dili

    istek, dilek, arzu…

  • Français

    vouloir (au conditionnel), souhaiter, désir [masculine]…

  • Catalan


  • العربية









