condition Signification, définition

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Signification de condition en français

  • 0 the physical state -- condition [ feminine ]

    • the condition of the house l’état de la maison

    • in good/bad condition en bon/mauvais état / bonne/mauvaise condition

  • 1 [ plural ] the situation or environment in which sth happens -- conditions [ feminine, plural ]

    • terrible living/working conditions de terribles conditions de vie/travail

    • under normal economic conditions dans des conditions économiques normales

  • 2 [ plural ] the weather at a particular time -- conditions [ feminine, plural ] (météorologiques)

    • in freezing/windy conditions par temps de gel / par grand vent

  • 3 a serious health problem -- maladie [ feminine ]

    • a heart condition une maladie du cœur

  • 4 sth that must be true before sth else is allowed -- condition [ feminine ]

    • the terms and conditions of the agreement les termes et conditions du contrat

    • You did not meet the conditions for a loan. Vous ne remplissez pas les conditions pour un prêt.

    • You can go, on the condition that you are home by 11:00. Tu peux y aller, à condition que tu sois à la maison à 11 heures.

  • 5 too ill or upset to do sth -- pas en état de

    • You’re in no condition to get out of bed. Tu n’es pas en état de te lever.

  • 6 to make the hair softer by applying cream after washing -- appliquer de l’après-shampooing

    • Do you condition your hair? Est-ce que tu mets de l’après-shampooing sur tes cheveux ?

  • 7 to cause behavior by gradually rewarding it over time -- conditionner

    • to condition the animals to respond to the sound conditionner les animaux à répondre au son

  • 8 state or circumstances in which a person or thing is -- condition

  • 9 something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done; a term or requirement in an agreement -- condition

    • It was a condition of his going that he should pay his own expenses

    • That is one of the conditions in the agreement.

  • 10 to affect or control -- conditionner

  • 11 to put into the required state -- (se) conditionner

Plus de définitions de condition

Exemples de condition

  • Market economics is a powerful system; it is capable of opening up potential, if only we set the right conditions.

  • This can be done, according to him, by providing funds on the condition that these are not spent definitively until later.

  • That is a condition of my voting for the resolution.

  • That is the necessary condition for peace in the region.

  • Did they even subject their funding to any conditions?

  • Finally, we are greatly concerned at the condition of those prisoners who are on hunger strike.

  • The regional languages will contribute to our cultural wealth only if they meet these three conditions.

  • Nevertheless, the condition for the efficient use of these funds is better knowledge of the potential beneficiaries of the financing opportunities offered.

Plus Exemples de condition

Traductions de condition dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    狀態, 狀況, 疾病…

  • 中文简体

    状态, 状况, 疾病…

  • Español

    estado, enfermedad, condición…

  • Português

    condição, estado, enfermidade crônica…

  • 日本語

    状態, 病気, 条件…

  • Türk dili

    hal, durum, konum…

  • Catalan

    estat, malaltia, condició…

  • العربية

    حالة, ظَرْف, حالَة مَرَضيّة…

Plus Traductions de condition dans d'autres langues



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