cause Signification, définition

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Signification de cause en français

  • 0 a thing that makes sth happen -- cause [ feminine ]

    • the cause of the disease la cause de la maladie

    • the Civil War and its causes la guerre de Sécession et ses causes

  • 1 the reason sb feels or behaves a particular way -- raison [ feminine ]

    • I had good cause to be angry. J’avais une bonne raison d’être en colère.

    • There’s no cause for worry/alarm/concern. Il n’y a pas de raison de / de quoi s’inquiéter/s’alarmer

  • 2 a group or idea that people support -- cause [ feminine ]

    • Opponents started a website for their cause. Des opposants ont créé un site internet pour soutenir leur cause.

    • Give money to a good cause. Donnez de l’argent pour une bonne cause.

  • 3 to make happen -- causer

    • What caused the problems? Qu’est-ce qui a occasionné ces problèmes ?

    • The heat caused several people to collapse. La chaleur a causé des malaises à plusieurs personnes.

  • 4 something or someone that produces an effect or result -- cause

  • 5 a reason for an action; a motive -- raison

  • 6 an aim or concern for which an individual or group works -- cause

  • 7 to make (something) happen; to bring about; to be the means of -- causer

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Exemples de cause

  • It damages the nervous system and causes serious damage to internal organs, which can directly lead to death.

  • Everyone was allowed to cross the border, except those carrying objects with the aim of causing destruction.

  • A lack of finance for this process could cause delay and potential safety risks.

  • This is certainly no cause for celebration in the area of transport.

  • Although there is no reason to panic, there is cause for serious concern.

  • We should recall today the major contribution she has made to the cause of freedom on this continent.

  • There is no hurry, therefore, no drama, no cause for despair or distress.

  • Ruthless speculation on the stock market causes a great deal of damage.

Plus Exemples de cause

Traductions de cause dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    原因, (尤指不好的事情發生的)原因,起因, 理由…

  • 中文简体

    原因, (尤指不好的事情发生的)原因,起因, 理由…

  • Español

    causar, causa, motivo…

  • Português

    causar, originar, causa…

  • 日本語

    ~の原因となる, 原因, (感情の)理由…

  • Türk dili

    sebep, neden, gerekçe…

  • Catalan

    causar, causa, motiu…

  • العربية

    يُسبّب, سَبَب, داع…

Plus Traductions de cause dans d'autres langues



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