demand Significado & definición

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Significado de demand en español

  • 0 a strong request or need for something -- exigencia, reivindicación

    • There was not much demand for a change in the law.

  • 1 a need for something to be sold or supplied -- demanda

    • There was not much demand for tickets.

  • 2 wanted or needed in large numbers -- solicitado

  • 3 to ask for something in an angry way -- exigir

  • 4 to need something such as time and effort -- requerir

  • 5 a strong statement asking for sth -- demanda [ feminine ]

    • demands for better health care peticiones por una mejor asistencia médica

    • the child’s demand that she be given candy las exigencias de la niña de que le den dulces

    • We will not give in to the demands of terrorists. No nos rendiremos ante las demandas de los terroristas.

    • The police refused to meet the terrorists’ demands. La policía se negó a satisfacer las demandas de los terroristas.

  • 6 consumers’ needs or desires -- demanda [ feminine ]

  • 7 [ plural ] things that a situation requires you to do -- requisitos

    • the demands of the job las exigencias del trabajo

    • demands on our emotional energy exigencias en nuestra energía emocional.

  • 8 request sth in strong terms -- exigir

    • She demanded a reply to her email. Ella exigió una respuesta a su correo electrónico.

    • The teacher demanded to see the note. El profesor exigió ver la nota.

    • Doctors demanded that more medicine be delivered. Los médicos requirieron que se entregaran más medicamentos.

  • 9 make sth necessary or mandatory -- exigir

    • She demands a lot of effort from her students. Ella exige mucho esfuerzo por parte de sus alumnos.

    • a job that demands patience un trabajo que requiere paciencia

Más definiciones de demand

Ejemplos de demand

  • The seriousness of the issue demands that we give it a prominent position on the agenda.

  • Hops are traded freely throughout the world, according to the principle of supply and demand.

  • When stocks decline, it is because there is a drop in supply and an increase in demand.

  • In this way, consumers will be able to manage their energy consumption, evening out the demand curve.

  • Firstly, its position does not correspond to the demands of consumers who want clear labelling.

  • That is why we need to restrict ourselves to the concept of human rights and leave manifesto demands alone.

  • There are no particular requests or demands from the groups or committees.

  • I hope that their demands will be met.

Más ejemplos de demand

Traducciones de demand en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    要求, 堅決請求,強烈要求, 強要…

  • 中文简体

    要求, 坚决请求,强烈要求, 强要…

  • Português

    exigência, demanda, procura…

  • 日本語

    要望, 需要, ~を強く要求する…

  • Türk dili

    talep, istek, dayatmak…

  • Français

    revendication [feminine], exigence [feminine], demande [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    exigència, reivindicació, demanda…

  • العربية

    طَلَب, يَطْلُب, يَتطَلّب…

Más traducciones de demand