risk Significado & definición

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Significado de risk en español

  • 0 the possibility of something bad happening -- riesgo, peligro

  • 1 to do something although something bad might happen because of it -- arriesgarse

  • 2 being in a situation where something bad is likely to happen -- en riesgo

  • 3 If you risk something bad, you do something even though that bad thing might happen. -- exponerse a

  • 4 to put something or yourself in danger -- arriesgar

  • 5 the possibility of a bad result -- riesgo [ masculine, singular ]

    • the risk of fire el riesgo de incendio

    • There’s the risk that she won’t like you. Existe el riesgo de que no le gustes.

    • There will be significant financial risk. Habrá un riesgo financiero significativo.

    • His actions put his friends at risk. Sus acciones ponen en riesgo a sus amigos.

    • a company at risk of bankruptcy una empresa en riesgo de quiebra

    • No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk. Ningún socorrista está en guardia. Nade bajo su propia responsabilidad.

    • If you drink alcohol and drive, you run the risk of losing your license. Si bebe alcohol y conduce, corre el riesgo de perder su carnet de conducir.

    • She took a risk, played hard, and won. Se arriesgó, jugó duro y ganó.

    • users who take the risk of downloading from unsafe websites usuarios que corren el riesgo de descargar desde sitios web no seguros

  • 6 sth that could cause problems -- riesgo [ masculine, singular ]

    • The open sewers are a risk to health. Las alcantarillas abiertas son un riesgo para la salud.

  • 7 to do sth knowing there is risk -- arriesgar

    • Don’t risk your money on their stocks. No arriesgue su dinero en sus acciones.

    • She risked being laughed at to say what she believed. Se arriesgó a que se rieran de ella al decir lo que pensaba.

Más definiciones de risk

Ejemplos de risk

  • We cannot take the risk of a plane full of passengers suffering engine failure and perhaps, as a result, crashing in a built-up area.

  • But this is being threatened by the prolonged uncertainly which risks drying up funding and stalling investments.

  • These breaches have put our staff, our guests and ourselves at serious risk.

  • Where there is a scientific basis that indicates health risks, threshold values must be set so as to prevent all hazards.

  • Otherwise, there is a risk that they will be hit-or-miss affairs which do not have the desired effect.

  • An impaired professional risks putting patients' health at risk and, in the most extreme cases, can cause death.

  • The risk scenario is more balanced and the risk of being drawn deeper into a downward spiral has reduced.

  • These problems and limitations, as we said, make it inadvisable to take commercial or advertising risks.

Más ejemplos de risk

Traducciones de risk en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    風險, 危險, 潛在危險…

  • 中文简体

    风险, 危险, 潜在危险…

  • Português

    risco, arriscar-se, arriscar…

  • 日本語

    危険性, リスク, ~の危険を冒す…

  • Türk dili

    tehlike, risk, riziko…

  • Français

    risque [masculine], risquer, risque…

  • Catalan

    risc, perill, córrer el risc/perill de…

  • العربية

    مُخاطَرة, يُخاطِر, يُخاطِر بـِ…

Más traducciones de risk