risk Signification, définition

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Signification de risk en français

  • 0 the possibility of a bad result -- risque [ masculine ]

    • the risk of fire le risque d’incendie

    • There’s the risk that she won’t like you. Il y a le risque qu’elle ne t’aime pas.

    • There will be significant financial risk. Il y aura d’importants risques financiers.

    • His actions put his friends at risk. Ses actes ont mis ses amis en danger.

    • a company at risk of bankruptcy une société qui risque la faillite

    • No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk. Aucun maître nageur de service. Nagez à vos risques et périls.

    • If you drink alcohol and drive, you run the risk of losing your license. Si vous buvez de l’alcool et que vous conduisez, vous courez le risque de perdre votre permis.

    • She took a risk, played hard, and won. Elle a pris un risque, a joué gros et elle a gagné.

    • users who take the risk of downloading from unsafe websites les utilisateurs qui prennent le risque de télécharger à partir de sites Web non sécurisés

  • 1 sth that could cause problems -- risque [ masculine ]

    • The open sewers are a risk to health. Les égouts ouverts représentent un risque pour la santé.

  • 2 to do sth knowing there is risk -- risquer

    • Don’t risk your money on their stocks. Ne risquez pas votre argent sur leurs actions.

    • She risked being laughed at to say what she believed. Elle risquait qu’on se moque d’elle en disant ce qu’elle croyait.

  • 3 (a person, thing etc which causes or could cause) danger or possible loss or injury -- risque

  • 4 to expose to danger; to lay open to the possibility of loss -- risquer

  • 5 to take the chance of (something bad happening) -- risquer (de)

Plus de définitions de risk

Exemples de risk

  • I am thinking in particular of the reversal of the burden of proof and the deletion of the clause excluding the development risk.

  • In wanting to be exhaustive, the report runs the certain risk of being imperfect.

  • It is thus difficult to eradicate the risk of climate-related diseases, such as malaria, from breaking out.

  • Flooding is a constant risk for people who live in river valleys; they can, to some degree, make their properties proof against it.

  • This report takes no cognisance of hazard or risk; it cannot identify between the two of them.

  • The weakness of our infrastructures is very real and risks deteriorating with enlargement.

  • With regard to quality and safety, when organs are used in therapy diseases risk being transmitted to the recipient.

  • If we have any reason to suspect that our children's safety is at risk, then we must act.

Plus Exemples de risk

Traductions de risk dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    風險, 危險, 潛在危險…

  • 中文简体

    风险, 危险, 潜在危险…

  • Español

    riesgo, peligro, exponerse a…

  • Português

    risco, arriscar-se, arriscar…

  • 日本語

    危険性, リスク, ~の危険を冒す…

  • Türk dili

    tehlike, risk, riziko…

  • Catalan

    risc, perill, córrer el risc/perill de…

  • العربية

    مُخاطَرة, يُخاطِر, يُخاطِر بـِ…

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