
  • En [ ˈəʊ.pən]
  • Us [ ˈoʊ.pən]


  • 0 not closed or fastened -- 開著的,未關的

  • 1 ready to be used or ready to provide a service -- 可用的;開放的;營業的

    • The supermarket is open till 8.00 p.m. 這家超市一直營業到晚上8時。

    • The road is open now, but it is often blocked by snow in the winter. 這條路現在可以通行,不過在冬天常被雪封住。

    • The new hospital was declared open by the mayor. 市長宣佈新醫院開始啟用。

  • 2 not closed in or covered -- 沒有圍上的,敞開的;開闊的;無遮蓋的

  • 3 If a computer document or program is open, it is ready to be read or used. -- (電腦文檔或程式)打開的,已啟動的

    • Make sure you have both files open at the same time. 確保你同時打開兩個文檔。

  • 4 available; not limited -- 可利用的;可得到的;沒有限制的

  • 5 not secret -- 不保密的;公開的;毫不掩飾的

    • There has been open hostility between them ever since they had that argument last summer. 他們自從去年夏天爭吵後,就一直處於公開的敵對狀態。

    • He's very open about his weaknesses. 他對自己的弱點毫不隱瞞。

    • I wish you'd be more open with me, and tell me what you're feeling. 我希望你對我坦誠一點,把你的感受告訴我。

    • She has an honest, open face. 她有一張真誠坦率的面孔。

  • 6 not decided or certain -- 尚未決定的,正在考慮中的;不確定的

    • We don't have to make a firm decision yet. Let's leave it open. 我們還不必作出明確的決定,先考慮考慮吧。

    • We can leave our offer open for another week, but we have to have your decision by then. 我們可以再給你一周時間考慮我們的出價,不過到時候我們必須知道你的決定。

    • I want to keep my options open, so I'm not committing myself yet. 我想保留我的選擇權,所以暫且不作決定。

  • 7 to (cause to) begin -- (使)開始

    • I would like to open my talk by giving a brief background to the subject. 正式開始講話之前,我想先簡短介紹一下這個主題的背景。

    • I'm going to open an account with another bank. 我打算在另一家銀行開一個帳戶。

    • The Olympic Games open tomorrow. 奧運會明天開幕。

    • A new radio station is due to open (up) next month. 一家新電台預定下個月開播。

    • The film opens (= will be shown for the first time) in New York and Los Angeles next week. 這部電影下周將在紐約和洛杉磯開始上映。

  • 8 to move something to a position that is not closed, or to make something change to a position that is not closed -- 開;開放;打開

    • Could you open the window, please? 請打開窗戶好嗎?

    • You can open your eyes now - here's your present. 你現在可以睜開眼睛了——這是你的禮物。

    • The flowers open (out) in the morning but close again in the afternoon. 這種花早上開,但是到了下午又會合攏。

    • From the kitchen there is a door that opens (out) into the garden. 有一道門從廚房通向花園。

    • That door opens (out) onto the patio. 那扇門通往露臺。

    • informal "Open up (= open the door) - it's the police!" shouted the police officer, banging on the door. 「開門——警察!」員警一邊猛敲門一邊喊道。

    • Don't open a new bottle just for me. 不要為我一個人新開一瓶酒。

    • I couldn't wait to open the letter. 我迫不及待要把信拆開。

  • 9 If a shop or office opens at a particular time of day, it starts to do business at that time. -- 開門,開始營業;開始辦公

    • The coffee shop opens at ten o'clock. 這家咖啡館10時開門。

    • He opens (up) his coffee shop at ten o'clock. 他的咖啡館10時開始營業。

    • The new hospital will be officially opened by the mayor on Tuesday. 這家新醫院將在星期二由市長正式宣佈投入使用。

  • 10 to make something available -- 提供;使有…;開放,取消限制

  • 11 If you open a computer document or program, you make it ready to read or use. -- 打開,啟動(電腦文檔或程式)

    • To open a new document, click "File" and then click "New". 建立新文件時,先點選「文件夾」,然後再點選「新增」。

    • Click the desktop icon to open the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 點選桌面圖標,打開《劍橋高階學習詞典》。

  • 12 somewhere outside, rather than in a building -- 室外,戶外;露天;野外

    • It's good to be (out) in the open after being cooped up in an office all day. 在辦公室裡關了一整天後,來到戶外感覺真好。

  • 13 to tell people information that was secret -- 公開(秘密); 把…公之於眾

    • It's time this issue was brought out into the open. 是該把這件事公開的時候了。





  • 中文简体

    未关的, 开着的,未关的, 准备好的…

  • Español

    abierto, abrir, abrirse…

  • Português

    aberto, abrir…

  • 日本語

    開いた, 営業している, 見通しのよい…

  • Türk dili

    açık, (mağaza, işyeri) açık…

  • Français

    ouvert/-erte, découvert/-erte, franc/franche…

  • Catalan

    obert, obrir, obrir-se…

  • العربية

    مَفْتوح, خَلاء, يَفْتَح…








