
  • En [ liːv]
  • Us [ liːv]


  • 0 to go away from someone or something, for a short time or permanently -- 離開;離去;走開

    • I'll be leaving at five o'clock tomorrow. 我明天早晨五點鐘離開。

    • He left the house by the back door. 他從房子的後門離開了。

    • She left the group of people she was with and came over to speak to us. 她離開了人群,走過來和我們說話。

    • The bus leaves in five minutes. 公車五分鐘後開車。

  • 1 to not take something or someone with you when you go, either intentionally or by accident -- 遺留,遺忘

    • Hey, you've left your keys on the table. 喂,你把鎖匙忘在桌子上了。

    • Can I leave a message for Sue? 我可以給蘇留個口信嗎?

    • Why don't you leave the kids with me on Friday? 週五你幹嗎不把孩子留給我照顧呢?

  • 2 If something leaves something else, a part or effect of it stays after it has gone or been used. -- 留下;剩下

  • 3 to not eat or use all of something -- 沒有吃完(或用完)…

    • They'd eaten all the cake, but they'd left some sandwiches. 他们把蛋糕都吃了,但是留下了一些三明治。

    • Are there any cookies left? 还有饼干剩下吗?

    • There's some food left over from the party. 晚会剩下了一些吃的。

    • Make sure you leave enough hot water for the rest of us. 保证给我们留下足夠热水。

  • 4 to stop doing something, or to leave a place because you have finished an activity -- 離開;停止;完成

  • 5 to end a relationship with a husband, wife, or partner and stop living with them -- 結束(與丈夫、妻子或伴侶的)關係並不再同居

    • I'll never leave you. 我永遠不會離開你。

    • She left her husband for a younger man. 她離開了她丈夫,和一個年輕男人在一起。

  • 6 If you leave (doing) something, you wait before you do it. -- 等一段時間再做

  • 7 To leave a wife, husband, or other close family member is to die while these family members are still alive. -- 死後留下,身後留下

    • He left a wife and two children. 他身後留下了妻子和兩個孩子。

    • He left his nieces all his money./He left all his money to his nieces. 他把所有的錢都留給了他的侄女們。

  • 8 to allow someone to make a choice or decision about something, or to make someone responsible for something -- 讓(某人)決定;允許(某人)選擇;使(某人)對…負責

    • I left the decision (up) to her. 我讓她來決定這件事情。

    • [ + to infinitive ] I left it to her to make the decision. 我讓她來決定這件事情。

    • Leave it (= the problem) with me, I'll see what I can do. 把它交給我吧,我來想辦法處理。

    • I'll leave it to chance (= wait and see what happens without planning). 我不管了,隨它去吧。

  • 9 time allowed away from work for a holiday or illness -- 假,假日,假期

    • How much annual/paid leave do you get? 你有多少天年假/帶薪假期?

    • She's (gone) on leave (= holiday). 她去休假了。

    • I've asked if I can take a week's unpaid leave. 我已經問過能不能請一周無薪假期。

  • 10 permission or agreement -- 許可,允許,同意

    • He did it without (my) leave. 他未經我同意就做了這件事。

    • [ + to infinitive ] Did you get leave to do that? 做那件事你得到允許了嗎?

  • 11 to say goodbye -- 告別,告辭

    • He decided the time had come to take leave of his home town. 他覺得該是告別家鄉的時候了。





  • 中文简体

    离开, 离去, 走开…

  • Español

    salir (de), irse (de), dejar…

  • Português

    sair, partir, deixar…

  • 日本語

    (場所)を出る, ~を置いていく, ~を残す…

  • Türk dili

    ...dan/den ayrılmak/çıkmak, bırakmak, terketmek…

  • Français

    partir, quitter, arrêter…

  • Catalan

    sortir (de), anar-se’n (de), deixar…

  • العربية

    يُغادِر, يَتْرُك, إجازة…








