reach Significado & definición

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Significado de reach en español

  • 0 to arrive somewhere -- llegar a

    • We won’t reach Miami till five or six o’clock.

  • 1 to stretch your arm and hand to touch or take something -- alargar la mano, extender el brazo

  • 2 to be able to touch or take something with your hand -- alcanzar (algo)

    • Could you get that book down for me? I can’t reach.

  • 3 to make a decision, agreement, conclusion, etc. about something -- tomar una decisión, alcanzar un acuerdo, llegar a una conclusión, etc.

  • 4 to get to a particular level, situation, etc. -- llegar a, alcanzar

  • 5 to speak to someone on the phone -- contactar por teléfono

    • You can reach him at home.

  • 6 too far away for someone to take hold of -- fuera del alcance

  • 7 close enough for someone to take hold of -- al alcance

  • 8 inside the distance that can be travelled easily -- muy cerca

  • 9 to achieve a particular level or goal after working toward it -- alcanzar

    • We have reached the final stage of the contest. Hemos alcanzado la fase final del concurso.

    • The fundraisers are trying to reach the $20,000 mark. Los eventos para recaudar fondos están tratando de alcanzar los 20000$.

  • 10 to arrive somewhere after traveling -- llegar

    • We reached Phoenix just after midnight. Llegamos a Phoenix justo después de medianoche.

  • 11 to stretch out your arm to touch or hold -- alcanzar

    • She reached up to the top shelf. Ella alcanzó el estante superior.

    • I can’t reach it. No llego a alcanzarlo.

    • I was reaching for my paddle and fell in. Estaba intentando alcanzar mi remo y me caí.

  • 12 to be long enough to touch -- llegar

    • The ladder wasn’t tall enough to reach the window. La escalera no era lo suficientemente alta como para llegar a la ventana.

    • It won’t reach. No llegará.

  • 13 to call and talk to sb on the phone -- contactar

    • Do you know where I can reach her? ¿Aabes dónde puedo contactar con ella?

  • 14 to broadcast to or communicate with a particular group -- llegar

    • We’re using email to reach a new audience. Estamos utilizando el correo electrónico para llegar a una nueva audiencia.

  • 15 the distance sb or sth can stretch -- alcance [ masculine, singular ]

    • The switch was just within my reach. El interruptor estaba justo a mi alcance.

    • He tried, but the wallet was just out of his reach. Lo intentó, pero la cartera estaba fuera de su alcance.

  • 16 the distance you have to go to get to a place -- alcance [ masculine, singular ]

    • a restaurant within reach of the hotel un restaurante al alcance del hotel

  • 17 sb’s ability to do or afford -- alcance [ masculine, singular ]

    • I think winning is well within his reach. Creo que ganar está a su alcance.

    • a price that puts the house out of our reach un precio que pone la casa fuera de nuestro alcance

Más definiciones de reach

Ejemplos de reach

  • We need to react not only when a limit value or upper limit has been reached.

  • I think we have succeeded in reaching some sensible compromises on a difficult text.

  • I am convinced that all the parties will be determined to reach an agreement.

  • I am pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached at this time.

  • We are pleased to have recently reached agreement on the update of the tripartite action plan.

  • It is obvious that we have quietly reached saturation point.

  • Both sides must be encouraged to make the necessary compromises to reach such a settlement.

  • Since then the situation has become far worse, with the number of detainees reaching record levels.

Más ejemplos de reach

Traducciones de reach en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    到達, (尤指經過很長時間或費很大氣力旅行後)到達,抵達, 水準,水準…

  • 中文简体

    到达, (尤指经过很长时间或费很大气力旅行后)到达,抵达, 水平…

  • Português

    chegar a, alcançar, atingir…

  • 日本語

    ~に着く, 到着する, (~に腕や手を)伸ばす…

  • Türk dili

    ulaşmak, varmak, erişmek…

  • Français

    atteindre, arriver, tendre le bras…

  • Catalan

    arribar a, allargar la mà, estendre el braç…

  • العربية

    يَصِل, يَمُدّ يَدَه, يَصِل إلى…

Más traducciones de reach