level Significado & definición

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Significado de level en español

  • 0 how good someone is at doing something compared to other people -- nivel

    • Students at this level need a lot of help.

  • 1 how high something is -- nivel

  • 2 the amount or number of something -- nivel

  • 3 a floor in a building -- planta

    • The store had three levels.

  • 4 flat or horizontal -- llano, nivelado

  • 5 at the same height -- a la misma altura

    • I got down till my face was level with his.

  • 6 to make something flat -- nivelar, allanar

  • 7 the amount of sth that exists at a particular point -- nivel [ masculine, singular ]

    • high levels of mercury in the water altos niveles de mercurio en el agua

    • Unemployment is at the lowest level ever known. El desempleo está en el nivel más bajo jamás conocido.

  • 8 the height of sth in relation to a surface or container -- nivel [ masculine, singular ]

    • the level of the water in the tank el nivel del agua en el tanque

  • 9 a standard of quality -- nivel [ masculine, singular ]

    • classes at the graduate level clases a nivel de postgrado

    • high levels of accuracy altos niveles de precisión

    • players competing at the top level of college football jugadores que compiten en el nivel más alto del fútbol universitario

  • 10 a rank or position in a range -- nivel [ masculine, singular ]

    • people in the top levels of management personas en los niveles superiores de gestión

    • a program that started at a local level un programa que comenzó a nivel local

  • 11 a floor of a building -- nivel [ masculine, singular ]

    • repairs being done on the lower level of the library las reparaciones se realizan en el nivel inferior de la biblioteca

  • 12 a way of thinking about sth -- aspecto [ masculine, singular ]

    • I can relate to his story on many levels. Yo me siento identificado con su historia en muchos aspectos.

  • 13 legal or honest -- legal

  • 14 flat and not at an angle -- a nivel [ singular ]

    • a level surface una superficie a nivel

    • Find a spot where the ground is level. Encuentra un lugar donde el suelo esté a nivel.

  • 15 (of two objects) with edges at the same height -- nivelado/ada [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Hang the pictures so that they’re level with each other. Cuelga las fotos para que estén niveladas.

  • 16 (of a score or amount) equal to another -- empatado/ada [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • The score was level at halftime. Al medio tiempo la puntuación estaba empatada.

  • 17 a situation in which everyone has the same advantages and disadvantages -- igualado/ada

    • worries about the lack of a level playing field in the election preocupaciones por lo poco igualadas que fueron las elecciones

  • 18 to destroy a building completely -- destruir

    • The entire block was leveled. Todo el bloque fue demolido.

  • 19 to make flat -- alisar

    • They leveled the driveway with a roller. Alisaron el camino de entrada con un rodillo.

  • 20 to make a score or two numbers, amounts, etc. equal -- igualar

    • England levelled the score. Inglaterra igualó el marcador.

Más definiciones de level

Ejemplos de level

  • A certain amount of public ownership is nevertheless necessary in order to provide people with a satisfactory level of welfare.

  • The level of consumption referred to there is well-known.

  • It is also necessary to place the fight against this virus on an international level, as it is moving around the globe.

  • The same level of expenditure is planned for the 2004 budget.

  • This is one reason, but, furthermore, we believe that three levels will provide us with sufficient and valid information.

  • Each of these four levels has its own tasks to perform, and that is why we adhere to the principle of subsidiarity.

  • But it is a level playing field, fair is fair, and the nuclear sectors cannot be subsidised.

  • It establishes a level playing field for the industry by covering all aspects from capture through to the market.

Más ejemplos de level

Traducciones de level en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    高度, 數目,數量, 能力…

  • 中文简体

    高度, 数目,数量, 能力…

  • Português

    nível, andar, raso…

  • 日本語

    レベル, 程度, 高さ…

  • Türk dili

    seviye, hiza, düzey…

  • Français

    niveau [masculine], taux [masculine], niveau…

  • Catalan

    nivell, planta, pla…

  • العربية

    مُسْتَوى, طابِق, مُسَطَّح…

Más traducciones de level