face Significado & definición

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Significado de face en español

  • 0 the front part of the head where the eyes, nose, and mouth are -- cara

  • 1 the front or surface of something -- superficie, cara, fachada

  • 2 being with someone in the same place -- cara a cara

    • We need to talk face to face.

  • 3 to show with your face that you do not like someone or something -- poner mala cara

    • Joe made a face when he saw what was for lunch.

  • 4 If you say something to someone’s face, you say it to them directly, when you are with them. -- a la cara de alguien

    • If you have something to say, say it to my face.

  • 5 to be or turn in a particular direction -- dar a, mirar hacia

  • 6 to have a problem -- encontrarse con

  • 7 to accept that something unpleasant is true and start to deal with the situation -- aceptar

  • 8 used before you say something that is bad but true -- seamos realistas

    • Let’s face it – we are not going to win this game.

  • 9 to not want to do something or deal with something because it is difficult or unpleasant -- no poder soportar la idea de (hacer) algo

  • 10 the part of your body where your eyes, nose, mouth etc. are -- cara [ feminine ]

    • his cute round face su linda cara redonda

    • She had a funny look on her face. Ella tenía una mirada divertida en su cara.

    • I could feel the heat on my face. Podía sentir el calor en mi cara.

    • She slapped/hit me in the face. Ella me abofeteó/golpeó en la cara.

  • 11 sb’s expression -- cara [ feminine ]

    • You should have seen her face when I told her! ¡Deberías haber visto su cara cuando se lo dije!

    • his happy/sad/grumpy etc. face su cara feliz/triste/gruñona etc.

  • 12 used with adjectives to indicate a particular type of person -- cara [ feminine ]

    • lots of famous faces at the party muchas caras famosas en la fiesta

    • not a familiar face in the room no hay ni una cara familiar en la habitación

  • 13 the side of sth large -- cara [ feminine ]

    • the cliff/rock face la cara del acantilado/de la roca

    • the north face of the mountain la cara norte de la montaña

  • 14 one part of an idea -- cara‎‏ ‏‎ [ feminine ]

  • 15 the character of sth -- rostro [ masculine ]

    • the changing face of medicine el rostro cambiante de la medicina

  • 16 lying in a position with your face looking at the ground -- boca abajo

    • Lie face down on the floor. Acuéstese boca abajo en el suelo.

  • 17 (of two people) looking directly at each other -- cara a cara

    • They stood face to face. Se pusieron frente a frente.

    • people who have come face to face with great danger personas que se han encontrado cara a cara con un gran peligro

  • 18 lying in a position with your face looking up -- boca arriba

    • He lay face up on the bed. Se acostó boca arriba en la cama.

  • 19 when forced to deal with sth difficult -- ante

    • People often panic in the face of change. Las personas a menudo entran en pánico ante el cambio.

  • 20 to damage your reputation -- quedar mal

  • 21 to give your face a funny or disapproving expression -- hacer una mueca

    • kids making faces at each other niños haciendo muecas el uno al otro

    • He tasted it and made a face. Lo probó e hizo una mueca.

  • 22 to avoid damaging your reputation -- guardar las apariencias

  • 23 indicates that you say sth directly to sb -- a la cara

    • I’m not afraid to tell him to his face. No tengo miedo de decírselo a la cara.

  • 24 emphasizes that sth cannot be found -- desaparecer de la faz de la tierra

  • 25 to have the front turned toward -- estar cara a

    • The house faces North. La casa da al norte.

    • The two boys sat facing each other. Los dos muchachos se sentaron dándose la cara.

    • Turn the chair to face the wall. Gira la silla de cara a la pared.

  • 26 to deal with or accept a difficult situation -- afrontar ‎‏ ‏‎

    • a species facing extinction una especie enfrentándose a la extinción

    • The company is faced with two problems. La empresa se enfrenta a dos problemas.

    • I can’t face listening to her stories again. No puedo afrontar volver a escuchar sus historias.

    • You’ll have to face the fact that he’s not coming back. Tendrás que afrontar el hecho de que no va a volver.

    • Let’s face it, we’re not rich. Seamos realistas, no somos ricos.

Más definiciones de face

Traducciones de face en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    頭, 臉,面孔, 面部表情,神情…

  • 中文简体

    头, 脸,面孔, 面部表情,神情…

  • Português

    cara, face, rosto…

  • 日本語

    顔, 表(おもて), ~に面している…

  • Türk dili

    yüz, surat, çehre…

  • Français

    visage [masculine], air [masculine], mine [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    cara, superfície, façana…

  • العربية

    وَجْه, واجِهة, يواجِه…

Más traducciones de face