mark Significado & definición

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Significado de mark en español

  • 0 a dirty area on something -- mancha

  • 1 a number or letter that is written on a piece of work, saying how good the work is -- nota

    • She always gets good marks in English.

  • 2 to read a piece of written work and write on it how good or bad it is -- corregir

  • 3 to show where something is by drawing or putting something somewhere -- señalar

  • 4 a spot, stain, or sign of damage -- marca [ feminine, singular ]

    • a dirty mark on his face una marca sucia en su cara

    • a burn mark on the table una marca de quemadura en la mesa

    • skid marks on the road marcas de deslizamiento en la carretera

  • 5 a sign or indication -- signo [ masculine, singular ]

    • a mark of respect un signo de respeto

    • the mark of a champion el signo de un campeón

  • 6 a level reached -- marca [ feminine, singular ]

    • The money raised is just past the $1,000 mark. El dinero recaudado sobrepasa ligeramente la marca de los 1000 dólares.

    • runners reaching the halfway mark in the race corredores que llegan a la mitad de la carrera

  • 7 the correct or true number or amount -- el punto

    • His predictions were way off the mark/wide of the mark. Sus predicciones estaban muy por encima/lejos de la marca.

    • You’re right on the mark! ¡Estás justo en el punto!

  • 8 used to tell runners in a race to move to the start line -- en sus marcas

    • On your marks, get set, go! ¡En sus marcas, listos, ya!

  • 9 to affect noticeably -- dejar marca

    • This tree-killing disease has left its mark on the landscape. Esta enfermedad que mata árboles ha dejado marca en el paisaje.

  • 10 a grade on a piece of work -- nota [ feminine, singular ]

    • She received high marks in her course. Ella recibió notas altas en el curso.

  • 11 to indicate what sth is by writing or drawing sth -- marcar

    • healthy products marked with the healthy living symbol productos saludables marcados con el símbolo de vida saludable

    • Mark the products you’d like to order with an ’X’. Marque los productos que desea pedir con una ’X’.

  • 12 to commemorate or celebrate an event -- conmemorar

  • 13 to make a mark on sth so that its appearance is spoiled -- rayar

  • 14 to grade a student’s work -- calificar

    • to mark exam papers calificar los exámenes

Más definiciones de mark

Ejemplos de mark

  • Inequality of power is simply too pronounced in the world, which leaves its mark on conferences of this kind.

  • When judging figure skating, we discard the highest and lowest marks and then award the score.

  • This marks the end of a process carried out throughout this term of office.

  • It does not mean that all existing national, regional or other quality marks should be dropped.

  • I am therefore speaking out against the international exhaustion of trade mark rights.

  • Origin marking is not in itself a sufficient guarantee of the above, but it does at least represent a first step.

  • I should point out, however, that these developments mark only the beginning of the democratisation process.

  • For these countries in particular, this directive marks the end of what one might call the throwaway society.

Más ejemplos de mark

Traducciones de mark en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    不同的區域, 痕跡, 汙點…

  • 中文简体

    不同的区域, 痕迹, 污点…

  • Português

    marca, nota, dar nota a…

  • 日本語

    しみ, 評点, 採点する…

  • Türk dili

    iz, leke, işaret…

  • Français

    tache [feminine], marque [feminine], signe [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    taca, nota, corregir…

  • العربية

    لَطْخة, بُقْعة, دَرَجة…

Más traducciones de mark