stage Significado & definición

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Significado de stage en español

  • 0 the raised area in a theatre where actors perform -- escenario

    • He’s on stage for most of the play.

  • 1 a period of development, or a particular time in a process -- etapa

  • 2 one of the parts that a process is divided into -- etapa [ feminine, singular ]

    • in the early stages of the disease en las primeras etapas de la enfermedad

    • the first/second/third stage of the bicycle race la primera / segunda / tercera etapa de la carrera ciclista.

    • The new hotel will open in stages. El nuevo hotel abrirá en etapas.

  • 3 the raised area where actors, musicians, etc. perform -- escenario [ masculine, singular ]

    • The band was not on stage yet. La banda aún no estaba en el escenario.

    • A second comedian took the stage. Un segundo comediante subió al escenario.

  • 4 [ singular ] the art form of theater and drama -- el teatro

    • He has written his second work for the stage. Él ha escrito su segundo trabajo para el teatro.

  • 5 to organize a public event -- montar

    • Opposition leaders staged a protest march. Los líderes de la oposición organizaron una marcha de protesta.

Más definiciones de stage

Ejemplos de stage

  • It has shown that we are only one of many players on the world stage.

  • This is what we need on the international stage.

  • This situation is made worse by the passivity of the international community, which is controlled and exploited by great powers that play out their interests on the global stage.

  • This issue was raised at that stage.

  • Everything has been done to stage a sanitised debate between supporters of federalism and supporters of sovereignty.

  • The stage of transition it is in must not lead to deterioration.

  • The second stage was quite plainly missing here.

  • We are at an important stage, not the final point.

Más ejemplos de stage

Traducciones de stage en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    部分, 階段, 發展時期…

  • 中文简体

    部分, 阶段, 发展时期…

  • Português

    palco, estágio…

  • 日本語

    舞台, ステージ, 段階…

  • Türk dili

    evre, aşama, safha…

  • Français

    stade [masculine], étape [feminine], phase [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    escenari, etapa…

  • العربية

    خَشَبة المَسْرَح, مَرْحَلة…

Más traducciones de stage