wake Significado & definición

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Significado de wake en español

  • 0 to stop sleeping or to make someone else stop sleeping -- despertar(se)

    • I’ve only just woken up.

    • Could you wake me up before you go?

  • 1 to stop sleeping -- despertar

    • Why did you wake the baby? ¿Por qué has despertado al bebé?

    • We woke to the sound of sirens. Nos despertamos con el sonido de las sirenas.

  • 2 after or as a result of -- tras

    • public fears in the wake of the killings temores públicos tras los asesinatos

Más definiciones de wake

Ejemplos de wake

  • This must be clear to ensure that individual societies do not wake up in shock immediately after attacks have been carried out in their countries.

  • Despite this, there are still many people who are reluctant to wake up from their bad nuclear dream.

  • It is time to give ourselves a reality check and to receive the wake-up call.

  • So we are talking about an economic, historic, cultural and commercial giant which appears today to be waking up after a very long sleep.

  • Nobody enjoys waking up from a general anaesthetic in a strange environment.

  • You seem suddenly to have woken up.

Más ejemplos de wake

Traducciones de wake en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    醒來, 叫醒,吵醒, 水…

  • 中文简体

    醒来, 叫醒,吵醒, 水…

  • Português

    despertar(-se), acordar(-se)…

  • 日本語

    (人)が目を覚ます, (人)を起こす…

  • Türk dili

    uyanmak, geminin arkasında kalan dalgalar/iz/dümen suyu, yakın zamanda ölen birinin ardından yasını tutmak için bir araya gelme…

  • Français

    (s’)éveiller, (se) réveiller, sillage…

  • Catalan


  • العربية


Más traducciones de wake