clear Signification, définition

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Signification de clear en français

  • 0 (of writing) easy to understand -- clair/claire

    • a clear message un message clair

    • The instructions aren’t clear. Les instructions ne sont pas claires.

  • 1 without doubt -- clair/claire

    • Make it clear (that) he should be there. Dis-lui clairement qu’il devrait être là.

    • It’s not clear whether she wants it or not. Il n’est pas évident de savoir si elle le veut ou pas.

  • 2 not blocked or covered by anything -- dégagé/-ée

    • a clear work surface une surface de travail dégagée

    • The roads were clear of traffic. Les routes étaient libres de circulation.

  • 3 able to be seen through -- transparent/-ente

    • clear glass verre transparent

  • 4 able to be heard or seen easily -- clair/claire

    • The picture on the screen wasn’t clear. L’image sur l’écran n’était pas nette.

    • Speak in a clear voice. Parle d’une voix claire.

  • 5 sure or certain -- sûr/sûre

    • Are you clear about what you need to take? Es-tu sûr/certain de ce que tu dois prendre ?

  • 6 to remove things or people from a place -- débarrasser

    • to clear the table débarrasser la table

    • He cleared his plate of food. Il a nettoyé son assiette.

    • Police cleared the area immediately. Les policiers ont immédiatement fait évacuer la zone .

  • 7 to officially state sb is not guilty of a crime -- disculper

    • He was cleared of murder. Il a été disculpé du meurtre.

    • She has vowed to clear her own name. Elle s’est juré de prouver sa propre innocence.

  • 8 (of sky) to stop being cloudy -- s’éclaircir

    • The sky began to clear. Le ciel commence à s’éclaircir.

  • 9 to move over or pass without touching -- éviter

  • 10 (of a check) to be considered valid by a bank -- être compensé/-ée

    • The check will take a few days to clear. Il faudra quelques jours pour que le chèque soit compensé.

  • 11 to remove a bad feeling by discussing its cause -- détendre l’atmosphère

    • a long talk that seemed to clear the air une longue discussion qui semblait détendre l’atmosphère

  • 12 away from -- loin

    • Stand clear of the edge. Tiens-toi loin du bord.

    • Steer clear of all illegal drugs. Evite toutes les drogues illégales.

  • 13 not thought to be guilty anymore -- blanchi/-ie de tout soupçon

    • The defendant is now in the clear. L’accusé est maintenant blanchi de tout soupçon.

    • Blood tests show she is now in the clear. Les analyses de sang montrent qu’elle est maintenant hors de danger.

  • 14 easy to see through; transparent -- transparent

  • 15 free from mist or cloud -- dégagé

    • Isn’t the sky clear!

  • 16 easy to see, hear or understand -- clair

  • 17 free from difficulty or obstacles -- libre

    • There was a clear road ahead and we soon arrived at Jacksonville.

  • 18 free from guilt etc -- tranquille

  • 19 free from doubt etc -- bien comprendre

  • 20 (often with of) without (risk of) being touched, caught etc -- à l’écart de

  • 21 (often with of) free -- libre de

  • 22 to make or become free from obstacles etc -- débarrasser

  • 23 (often with of) to prove the innocence of; to declare to be innocent -- innocenter

    • He was cleared of all charges.

  • 24 (of the sky etc) to become bright, free from cloud etc -- se dégager, s’éclaircir

    • The sky cleared and the sun came out.

  • 25 to get over or past something without touching it -- franchir

Plus de définitions de clear

Exemples de clear

  • To link the levies to the environmental effects is a transparent and clear goal.

  • Our intention, therefore, is to create a transparent, coherent and clear framework so that there will not be distortions in the market.

  • However, their financing must be clear and transparent and, in my view, this must include auditing by independent bodies.

  • She has also been absolutely clear in stating that 'there can be no compromise on consumer safety'.

  • It would be hard to find a better way of conveying clear consumer information.

  • One thing is crystal clear to us, however, and this forms our guiding principle.

  • For if that were the case, my conscience would not be as clear as it is now.

  • It was a long and painful process and everyone who played a part can now look back on it with a clear conscience.

Plus Exemples de clear

Traductions de clear dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    能被理解的, 明白的, 清楚的…

  • 中文简体

    能被理解的, 明白的, 清楚的…

  • Español

    claro, nítido, transparente…

  • Português

    claro, nítido, transparente…

  • 日本語

    分かりやすい, はっきりしている, 透明な…

  • Türk dili

    açık, anlaşılabilir, net…

  • Catalan

    clar, nítid, transparent…

  • العربية

    واضِح, مَكْشوف, مِن دون شَك…

Plus Traductions de clear dans d'autres langues



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