doubt Signification, définition

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Signification de doubt en français

  • 0 uncertainty or mistrust of sb or sth -- doute [ masculine ]

    • a doubt about whether she was telling the truth un doute quant à savoir si elle disait la vérité ou non

    • There’s no doubt that he’s an intelligent child. Il n’y a pas de doute que ce soit un enfant intelligent.

    • serious doubts over forensic evidence de sérieux doutes quant aux preuves médicolégales

    • It is now beyond doubt that the director lied. Il est maintenant indubitable que le directeur a menti.

    • The future of the TV show is in doubt. Le devenir de cette émission de télé est incertain.

    • No doubt he’ll arrive just before the end. Il ne fait aucun doute qu’il arrivera juste avant la fin.

    • He is, without doubt, the kindest man I ever met. Il est, sans aucun doute, l’homme le plus gentil que j’aie jamais rencontré.

  • 1 to think sth is unlikely -- douter

    • “Do you think he’ll call tonight?” “I doubt it.” “Penses-tu qu’il appellera ce soir ?” “J’en doute.”

    • She doubted that he’d ever visited his mother. Elle doutait qu’il ait jamais rendu visite à sa mère.

  • 2 to mistrust or suspect sb -- douter de

    • I have no reason to doubt her. Je n’ai pas de raison de douter d’elle.

  • 3 to feel uncertain about, but inclined not to believe -- (se) douter (que/de)

  • 4 not to be sure of the reliability of -- avoir des doutes sur

  • 5 a feeling of not being sure and sometimes of being suspicious -- doute

    • There is some doubt as to what happened

    • I have doubts about that man.

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Exemples de doubt

  • Our friends who are joining us feel, no doubt, that they have arrived at the end of the road.

  • I doubt, for example, that the new restrictions on liquids on aeroplanes meet these criteria.

  • Certain people, no doubt through historical atavism, would like to turn them into an inquisition process.

  • And, on the nuclear issue, should we just put it off and not even doubt that nuclear power is for peaceful use?

  • We therefore have a little time to prepare for the peak in the negotiations which will no doubt occur at around that time.

  • Of course, the launch of the new system represents an enormous technological challenge, and one that was no doubt underestimated at first.

  • It is pointless to discuss the causes of climate change here, because the risks are real and to doubt them is an unacceptable gamble.

  • I daresay nobody doubts the need for the existing legislation to be updated.

Plus Exemples de doubt

Traductions de doubt dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    (尤指對好壞、真實性的)懷疑,疑慮,疑問, 懷疑, 不確定,不肯定…

  • 中文简体

    (尤指对好坏、真实性的)怀疑,疑虑,疑问, 怀疑, 不确定,不肯定…

  • Español

    duda, dudar, duda [feminine]…

  • Português

    dúvida, duvidar…

  • 日本語

    疑い, ~かどうか疑問だ…

  • Türk dili

    şüphe, kuşku, şüphelenmek…

  • Catalan

    dubte, dubtar (de)…

  • العربية

    شَكّ, يَشُكّ…

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