doubt Significado & definición

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Significado de doubt en español

  • 0 a state of being uncertain about something, or not trusting someone or something -- duda

    • I have some doubts about his ability to do the job.

  • 1 to be certain -- no tener dudas

  • 2 it is certain -- no hay duda

    • There is no doubt that he’s a good player.

  • 3 to not be certain -- ser incierto

  • 4 certainly -- sin duda

  • 5 used to say that something is very likely -- sin duda

  • 6 to not feel certain about something or think that something will not happen -- dudar

    • I doubt that I’ll get the job.

  • 7 uncertainty or mistrust of sb or sth -- duda [ feminine ]

    • a doubt about whether she was telling the truth una duda sobre si ella estaba diciendo la verdad

    • There’s no doubt that he’s an intelligent child. No hay duda de que es un niño inteligente.

    • serious doubts over forensic evidence serias dudas sobre las pruebas forenses

    • It is now beyond doubt that the director lied. Ahora está claro que el director mintió.

    • The future of the TV show is in doubt. El futuro del programa de televisión está en duda.

    • No doubt he’ll arrive just before the end. Sin duda él llegará justo antes del final.

    • He is, without doubt, the kindest man I ever met. Él es, sin duda, el hombre más amable que he conocido.

  • 8 to think sth is unlikely -- dudar

    • “Do you think he’ll call tonight?” “I doubt it.” “¿Crees que llamará esta noche?” “Lo dudo.”

    • She doubted that he’d ever visited his mother. Ella dudaba que él alguna vez hubiera visitado a su madre.

  • 9 to mistrust or suspect sb -- dudar de

    • I have no reason to doubt her. No tengo ninguna razón para dudar de ella.

Más definiciones de doubt

Ejemplos de doubt

  • There is absolutely no reason to doubt that the negotiations will progress rapidly, and that the progress achieved will be honoured accordingly.

  • I venture to doubt that a positive change is under way.

  • Nobody can doubt the drastic measures that have had to be used to curtail it.

  • On the one hand, nobody doubts the particular need to protect the privacy and confidentiality of every citizen's data.

  • I daresay nobody doubts the need for the existing legislation to be updated.

  • I never doubted that you would make it, but it is one thing not to doubt and another to do it, and you did it.

  • We are starting to doubt whether anybody, even at the highest levels, is fully aware of what is at stake.

  • We have a few reasons to doubt this.

Más ejemplos de doubt

Traducciones de doubt en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    (尤指對好壞、真實性的)懷疑,疑慮,疑問, 懷疑, 不確定,不肯定…

  • 中文简体

    (尤指对好坏、真实性的)怀疑,疑虑,疑问, 怀疑, 不确定,不肯定…

  • Português

    dúvida, duvidar…

  • 日本語

    疑い, ~かどうか疑問だ…

  • Türk dili

    şüphe, kuşku, şüphelenmek…

  • Français

    doute [masculine], douter, douter de…

  • Catalan

    dubte, dubtar (de)…

  • العربية

    شَكّ, يَشُكّ…

Más traducciones de doubt