certain Significado & definición

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Significado de certain en español

  • 0 definite -- seguro

    • I am certain that you’re doing the right thing.

    • It now looks certain that she is going to resign.

  • 1 some -- cierto

  • 2 without any doubt -- incuestionable [ masculine-feminine ]

    • I’m certain that I saw her leave. Estoy seguro de que la vi irse.

    • You’re certain about that? ¿Estás seguro de eso?

    • not certain why she asked me no estoy seguro de por qué me preguntó

  • 3 absolutely sure to happen or to be true -- seguro/ra [ masculine-feminine ]

    • She feels the horse is certain to win. Ella está segura de que el caballo va a ganar.

    • certain death muerte segura

  • 4 a particular thing that is not described in detail -- cierto/ta [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a plant that grows only in certain climates una planta que crece solo en ciertos climas

    • It takes a certain type of person to do this. Conlleva un cierto tipo de persona para hacer esto.

    • A certain amount of knowledge is needed. Se necesita una cierta cantidad de conocimiento.

  • 5 to do sth to be sure sth happens or is true -- asegurarse de algo

    • I made certain (that) all the doors were locked. Me aseguré de que todas las puertas estuvieran cerradas.

Más definiciones de certain

Ejemplos de certain

  • The text put to the vote today marks a certain change in the way our institution views the concept of free trade.

  • If we do not achieve a certain balance of these essential, key elements of managing fishery at all, then we will never get anywhere.

  • However, the mid-term review revealed that certain countries are under-represented in respect of the transfer of funds.

  • First, a certain caution and prudence are justified with respect to quantifiable goals.

  • So it was almost certain by then that something of this nature might happen.

  • For many of them, this would mean certain death.

  • I am certain that the 700 or so colleagues who are absent are not merely enjoying a siesta.

  • I am absolutely certain that the rapporteurs fully comprehend the necessity of doing so.

Más ejemplos de certain

Traducciones de certain en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    無疑問的, 肯定的,無疑的, 有把握的…

  • 中文简体

    无疑问的, 肯定的,无疑的, 有把握的…

  • Português

    certo, seguro, determinado…

  • 日本語

    確信している, 限られた, ある程度の…

  • Türk dili

    kesin, emin, kat'i…

  • Français

    certain/-aine, certain…

  • Catalan

    segur, cert…

  • العربية

    مُتَأكِّد, بَعْض…

Más traducciones de certain