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  • 0 (of a container or a space) holding or containing as much as possible or a lot -- (容器或空间)装满的,充满的

    • This cup is very full so be careful with it. 这个杯子太满了,要当心。

    • My plate was already full. 我的盘子已经满了。

    • I tried to get in the cinema last night but it was full. 昨天晚上我想去看电影,但已经满座了。

    • Don't talk with your mouth full! 嘴里尽是吃的东西时就别说话!

    • The shelves were full of books. 那些架子上摆满了书。

    • When she looked at him her eyes were full of tears. 当她看着他的时候,眼中饱含着泪水。

    • I tried to get on the 8.45 train but it was full. 我想坐8:45的火车,可是已经满员了。

    • Don't fill your glass too full or you'll spill it. 杯子别倒得太满,否则会洒的。

    • The stadium was only half full. 体育场里只坐了一半的人。

    • This sweater is full of holes. 这件毛衣上面都是洞。

    • His essay was full of spelling errors. 他的论文里满是拼写错误。

    • I'm full of admiration for you. 我对你充满敬仰。

    • You're always so full of energy. 你总是如此精力充沛。

    • I've got a full week next week - could we postpone our meeting? 下周我相当忙——我们能把会议推迟吗?

    • She has a very full life. 她的生活丰富充实。

    • "Did the kids enjoy their trip to the zoo?" "Oh, yes, they were full of it when they got back this afternoon." “孩子们去动物园玩得高兴吗?”“高兴,今天下午回来他们还说个没完呢。”

    • Since he got his new job, he's been very full of his own importance. 自从得到新工作以来,他总是自以为了不起。

    • I can't stand her - she's so full of herself. 我受不了她——她真够自以为是的。

  • 1 complete, whole, or containing a lot of detail -- 完整的;全部的;整个的

    • Please give your full name and address. 请提供你的全名和地址。

    • We do not yet have full details of the story. 我们并没有掌握该事件的全部细节。

    • Few journalists have managed to convey the full horror of the situation. 几乎没有哪个记者能完全地表达出那种情形有多恐怖。

    • Scientists have not yet determined the full impact of the oil spill. 科学家们还不清楚原油泄漏的全面影响。

    • Today's my last full day in Paris. 今天是我在巴黎呆的最后一个整天。

    • He unwound the rope to its full extent. 他把绳子拉开到最长。

    • Are you a full member (= do you have all the membership rights) of the club? 你是俱乐部正式成员吗?

    • Some plants need to be in full sun (= to have the sun shining on them) all the time. 有些植物常年需要充足的阳光。

    • The bill must be paid in full by the end of the month. 账单到月底必须全部付清。

    • Preparations for the event are now in full flow. 活动的准备工作正在全力进行。

    • The party was in full swing by the time we arrived. 我们到达时聚会正是高潮。

    • Andy kissed Vicki full on the lips in full view of her friends. 安迪和薇姬在他们的房子前吵得很凶,全都被邻居们看见了。

  • 2 the greatest possible -- 最大的;最大量的;最高级的

  • 3 having eaten so much food that you cannot eat any more -- 吃饱的

    • No more cake for me, thanks, I'm full. 我不要蛋糕了,谢谢,我已经吃饱了。

    • Never go swimming on a full stomach. 饭后不要立即去游泳。

  • 4 (of clothing) loose or containing a lot of material, or (of parts of the body) quite large and rounded -- (衣服)宽松的,宽大的;(身体部位)圆鼓鼓的,丰满的

    • a full skirt 宽松的裙子

    • Women often have full faces/become full in the face when they're pregnant. 女性怀孕时面庞通常会变得圆鼓鼓的。

    • Her full lips curved into a smile. 她的丰满上扬,露出了微笑。

    • They advertise clothes "for the fuller figure". 他们做广告说衣服“适合丰满体型”。

  • 5 (of a flavour, sound, smell, etc.) strong or deep -- (味道、气味)浓厚的,强烈的;(声音)圆浑的

    • This wine has a full fruity flavour. 这种葡萄酒有浓郁的水果香味。

    • A cello has a fuller sound than a violin. 大提琴的声音比小提琴的要圆浑。

  • 6 to understand a situation completely -- 完全了解情况

    • You know full well that you're not supposed to go there without asking me! 你非常清楚未经我同意你不能去那里!

  • 7 straight; directly -- 直接,径直

  • 8 as much or as well as possible -- 最大量;尽可能





  • 中文繁体

    容納很多的, (容器或空間)裝滿的,充滿的, 充滿…的…

  • Español

    lleno, completo, detallado…

  • Português

    pleno, cheio, repleto…

  • 日本語

    いっぱいの, 満員の, 物が詰まった…

  • Türk dili

    dolu, dopdolu, tam…

  • Français

    plein/pleine, rempli/-ie, plein/pleine de…

  • Catalan

    ple, complet, detallat…

  • العربية

    مُمْتَلِىء, مُكْتَمِل, أقصى سُرعة…








