
  • En [ saʊnd]
  • Us [ saʊnd]


  • 0 something that you can hear or that can be heard -- 聲音,聲響

    • They could hear the sound of a bell tolling in the distance. 他們能聽到遠處的鐘聲。

    • She stood completely still, not making a sound. 她靜靜地站在那裡,一聲不吭。

    • Suddenly we heard a loud knocking sound from the engine. 突然我們聽見引擎發出響亮的砰砰聲。

    • Sound can travel over very large distances in water. 聲音在水中能傳播得很遠。

    • a sound engineer/recording 音響師/錄音

    • Could you turn the sound down/up on the TV? 你把電視機的音量調低/高一點好嗎?

    • The band's sound is a distinctive mixture of funk and rap. 這支樂隊結合了鄉土爵士樂和饒舌樂的音樂風格,很有特色。

  • 1 how something seems to be, from what is said or written -- …給人的印象(或感覺);…的言外之意

    • I like the sound of the beef in red wine sauce. 我喜歡牛肉澆紅酒醬的感覺。

    • By/From the sound of it I don't think it was her fault. 聽起來我認爲不是她的錯。

    • I'm going to be talking to over 90 people? I don't like the sound of that! 我要和90多個人談話,是嗎?我可不喜歡那樣!

  • 2 a passage of sea connecting two larger areas of sea, or an area of sea mostly surrounded by land -- 海灣,海峽

    • the Kalmar Sound 卡爾馬海峽

  • 3 to seem good, interesting, strange, etc. from what is said or written -- 聽起來不錯/聽起來有意思/似乎很奇怪(等等)

    • Your job sounds really interesting. 你的工作聽起來真有趣。

    • I know it sounds silly, but I'll miss him when he's gone. 我知道這聽起來很傻,但他走了我會想他的。

    • That sounds like a good idea. 那聽起來像是個不錯的主意。

    • It sounds like you've got a sore throat. 你聽起來好像喉嚨有些發炎。

    • It sounds as if they had a good holiday. 聽起來他們似乎度過了一個愉快的假期。

    • You're going skiing with three friends? That sounds like fun. 你要和三個朋友去滑雪?聽起來很好玩。

    • He sounded very depressed when we spoke on the phone yesterday. 我們昨天通電話的時候,他聽起來很沮喪。

    • At the press conference, he sounded at his most relaxed. 新聞發布會上,他聽起來十分輕鬆。

  • 4 to make a noise -- (使)發聲;(使)作響

    • If the alarm sounds, leave the building immediately. 如果警報聲響起,馬上離開大樓。

    • It sounds like a bird. 聽起來像一隻鳥。

    • He sounds (= speaks) just like someone I used to work with. 他說話很像我以前的一個同事。

    • Sounding the car's horn, she drove at high speed through the crowded streets. 她按響汽車喇叭,猛踩油門,飛速穿過熙熙攘攘的大街。

    • Quick, sound the alarm - there's a fire in the machine room! 快,拉警報——機房裡著火了!

  • 5 to measure the depth of a mass of water, such as the sea, usually by sonar -- (用聲納)測量…的水深

  • 6 not broken or damaged; healthy; in good condition -- 無損傷的;完好的;健康的,健全的

    • It's an old building but it's still structurally sound. 這是一座老建築物,但結構依然完好。

    • Considering his age, his body is surprisingly sound. 就年齡來說,他的身體異常健康。

    • Was she of sound mind (= not mentally ill) at the time of the incident? 事故發生時,她精神沒有問題吧?

  • 7 showing good judgment; able to be trusted -- 合理的,明智的;可靠的

  • 8 complete -- 全面的,透徹的

    • How sound is her knowledge of the subject? 她對這一學科了解得有多透徹?

  • 9 (of sleep) deep and peaceful -- 熟睡(的),酣睡(的)

    • He was sound asleep within moments of getting into bed. 他上床沒多久就進入了夢鄉。





  • 中文简体

    声音, 声音,声响, (音乐演出、电影等的)音响录制和播出,音响制作…

  • Español

    sonido, ruido, fundamentado…

  • Português

    som, ruído, bom…

  • 日本語

    音, 健全な, 安全な…

  • Türk dili

    ses, ses yapmak, ses çıkarmak…

  • Français

    bruit [masculine], son [masculine], sembler…

  • Catalan

    so, soroll, bo…

  • العربية

    صَوْت, في حَالة جَيّدة, سَليم…








