
  • En [ mɪs]
  • Us [ mɪs]


  • 0 to fail to do or experience something, often something planned or expected, or to avoid doing or experiencing something -- 未做到;未體驗;避開;倖免於

    • I missed the start of the class because my bus was late. 我上課遲到了,因為我搭的公車來遲了。

    • Often I miss (= do not eat) breakfast and have an early lunch instead. 我經常不吃早餐而早吃午餐。

    • You should leave early if you want to miss the rush hour. 如果你想避開高峰時間,就該早些出發。

    • [ + -ing verb ] I only just missed being run over by a bus this morning. 我今早差點被一輛公車撞倒。

    • You'll miss your flight if you don't hurry up. 如果你不快點,會錯過飛機的。

    • Students who miss a lot of school can find it hard to catch up. 缺課嚴重的學生會很難趕上。

    • I'm trying to find an excuse for missing the office party. 我正要找個不去辦公室聚會的藉口。

    • I missed the beginning of the show. 我錯過了演出的開頭。

    • Her latest movie is too good to miss (= it certainly should be seen). 她最近的一部電影很棒,不容錯過。

    • I was sorry I missed you at Pat's party - I must have arrived after you left. 很遺憾沒有在派特的派對上看到你——我準是在你離開後才到的。

    • You don't miss much, do you? Nobody else noticed that mistake. 你真是明察秋毫,對吧?別人都沒有注意到那個錯誤。

    • My office is first on the right with a bright red door. You can't miss it (= it is very easy to find). 我的辦公室是右邊的第一間,有一扇鮮紅色的門。你不會找不到的。

  • 1 to feel sad that a person or thing is not present -- 想念,惦念;懷念,思念

    • I really missed her when she went away. 她離開的時候我非常想念她。

    • She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. 所有認識她的人都會很悲傷地懷念她的。

    • I still miss my old car. 我仍惦念著我的舊汽車。

    • What did you miss most about home when you were living in France? 你住在法國時最想念家鄉的甚麼呢?

    • [ + -ing verb ] I haven't missed smoking like I expected to. 出乎我的預料,我並沒有老想著要抽煙。

  • 2 to fail to hit something, or to avoid hitting something -- 未擊中,未打中;避開

    • The bullet missed his heart by a couple of centimetres. 子彈差幾公分就擊中了他的心臟。

    • I swerved to avoid the other car and only just missed a tree. 我為避開另一輛車急忙轉向,差一點就撞到樹上。

    • He threw a book at me, but he/it missed. 他向我扔了一本書,但沒打中。

  • 3 to notice that something is lost or absent -- 發覺遺失;發覺…不在身邊

  • 4 an occasion when something or someone fails to hit something or avoids hitting something -- 未打中;避免擊中

    • Well done! You scored eight hits and only two misses. 打得好!你八次擊中得分,只有兩次失誤。

  • 5 to avoid or not do something -- 避開;對…不予理會;決定不做

    • We usually go to France in the summer, but we've decided to give it a miss this year. 我們通常夏天去法國,但今年我們決定不去了。

    • The restaurant's very good for fish, but I'd give their vegetarian options a miss. 這家餐廳的魚煮得很好,但他們的素菜我就不願意吃。

  • 6 a girl or young woman, especially one who behaves rudely or shows no respect -- 小姑娘;(尤指)冒失女孩

    • You're a cheeky little miss! Apologize at once. 你這個冒失的女孩子!立刻道歉。

  • 7 a title used before the family name or full name of a single woman who has no other title -- (用在女孩或未婚女子名字前作為稱呼)小姐

    • Dr White will see you now, Miss Carter. 卡特小姐,懷特醫生現在就見你。

    • Miss Helena Lewis 海倫娜‧路易士小姐

    • Excuse me, Miss, you dropped this. 打擾了,小姐,你把這個東西掉地上了。

    • Can I go to the toilet, Miss? 我能去廁所嗎,老師?

    • Miss India/UK 印度/英國小姐

    • the Miss World contest 世界小姐比賽





  • 中文简体

    没有做, 未做到, 未体验…

  • Español

    echar de menos, perderse, perder…

  • Português

    sentir saudades, sentir falta de, faltar a…

  • 日本語

    (人、もの)が(い)なくて寂しい, (授業などに)出席しない, (乗り物などに)乗り遅れる…

  • Türk dili

    özlemek, hasretini çekmek, kaçırmak…

  • Français

    regretter, manquer, rater…

  • Catalan

    enyorar, faltar a, perdre’s…

  • العربية

    يَفْتَقِد, يُفَوِّت, يُفَوِّت الميعاد…








