
  • En [ rɪˈtɜːn]
  • Us [ rɪˈtɝːn]


  • 0 to come or go back to a previous place -- 回;返回

    • Odysseus returned home/returned to his home after many years of travelling. 離家多年後奧德修斯返回了故土。

    • She left South Africa at the age of 15 and has never returned. 她15歲時離開了南非,再也沒有回去過。

    • [ + to infinitive ] David returned (from work) to find his house had burned down. 大衛(下班)回到家後發現房子已被燒毀了。

    • Within a week, the situation had returned to normal. 不到一個星期,局勢就恢復正常了。

    • Gandhi urged Indians to return to spinning their own yarn. 甘地敦促印度人重新拿起紡車自己動手紡紗。

    • Every five minutes, he returned to the same subject. 每過五分鐘他就會重提同一個話題。

  • 1 to give, do, or get something after something similar has been given or done to you -- 回應;回報;報答

  • 2 to send, take, give, put, etc. something back to where it came from -- 放回;歸還;帶回

    • The new TV broke so they returned it to the shop. 新電視機壞了,所以他們把它退還給商店。

    • He returned two books he had borrowed from me in 2003. 他把2003年借我的兩本書還給了我。

    • She carefully returned the book to its place on the shelf. 她小心翼翼地把書放回書架原本的位置上。

  • 3 to happen again -- 重新出現;再次發生

    • You must go to the doctor if the pain returns. 如果疼痛再次發作,你必須去看醫生。

  • 4 to decide and say if you think someone is guilty or not guilty, or what punishment the person will be given in a court of law -- 宣判

    • The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. 陪審團作出了無罪判決。

    • It was expected that he would be returned as premier. 預計他會被重新選為總理。

  • 5 an occasion when someone goes or comes back to a place where they were before -- 回;返回;回來

    • The whole town came out to celebrate his return (from the war). 整個鎮上的人都湧上街頭慶祝他(從戰場上)歸來。

    • On her return, she went straight to the office. 她一回來就直接去了辦公室。

    • Some environmentalists argue for a return to a pre-industrial society. 一些環保主義者主張回歸工業化以前的社會。

    • Most people have welcomed her return to power/office. 大多數人歡迎她重新掌權/複職。

    • A return to Birmingham, please. 請給我一張去伯明罕的往返票好嗎?

  • 6 in exchange -- 作為交換;作為回報

    • Some tenants get rent reductions in return for help managing the building. 有些租客通過協助大樓管理來獲得租金減免。

    • I'll come with you, but you have to do something for me in return. 我會和你一起去,但你得為我做點什麼作為回報。

    • Several soldiers were wounded in the return of fire. 反擊中,數名士兵受傷。

    • The return on the money we invested was very low. 我們投資獲得的收益很低。

  • 7 an occasion when something starts to happen or be used again -- 重新出現;再度發生;重新利用

  • 8 the key on a computer keyboard that you press in order to say that the words or numbers on the screen are correct, or that an instruction should be performed, or in order to move down a line on the screen -- 回車鍵

  • 9 the act of giving, putting, or sending something back -- 放回;歸還;帶回

  • 10 The return part of a journey is the part in which you go back to the place where you started. -- (作為旅行一部分的)回程,返程





  • 中文简体

    回去, 回, 返回…

  • Español

    regresar, volver, devolver…

  • Português

    voltar, retornar, devolver…

  • 日本語

    (場所に)戻る, 帰る, ~を返す…

  • Türk dili

    geri gitmek/gelmek, bir şeyi geri vermek/göndermek/koymak, tekrar olmak/meydana gelmek…

  • Français

    revenir, retourner, rendre…

  • Catalan

    tornar, retornar, reaparèixer…

  • العربية

    يَعود, يُعيد, عَوْدَة…








