
  • En [ ɡʊd]
  • Us [ ɡʊd]


  • 0 very satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant, or interesting -- 令人滿意的;令人愉快的;合意的;有趣的

    • a good book 一本好書

    • Did you have a good time at the party? 你在派對上玩得開心嗎?

    • The weather has been really good for the time of year. 就這個季節而言,這段時間的天氣真是難得的好。

    • I've just had some very good news. 我剛得知一些令人特別開心的消息。

    • It's so good to see you after all this time! 分開這麼長時間,見到你真是高興!

    • good morning/afternoon/evening 早上/下午/晚上好

  • 1 healthy or well -- 健康的

    • I didn't go into work because I wasn't feeling too good. 我今天沒有去上班,因為感覺不太舒服。

    • "How's your mother?" "She's good, thanks."

    • "How are you doing?" "I'm good, thanks."

  • 2 of a high quality or level -- 好的;出色的;優質的

    • She speaks very good French. 她法語說得很好。

    • I've heard it's a very good school. 我聽說這是所很好的學校。

    • The apple pie was as good as the one my grandmother used to make. 這蘋果派就像我祖母以前做的一樣好吃。

    • This restaurant has a good reputation. 這家飯店聲譽良好。

    • Good man! Splendid catch. 高手!球接得太好了。

  • 3 successful, or able to do something well -- 成功的;能幹的;精通的;擅長的

    • Kate's a good cook. 凱特廚藝很好。

    • She's very good at geography. 她地理學得很好。

    • They have a good relationship. 他們關係很好。

    • She's very good with children. 她很會照顧孩子。

    • Shoes are no good if they let in water. 鞋子如果透水的話就就太差了。

    • Food aid isn't much good until the fighting stops. 在戰鬥停止之前,食物援助是沒有太大用處的。

    • I didn't get off to a very good start this morning - I'd been at work five minutes and my computer stopped working! 我今天上午剛一開始工作就不順——才工做了五分鐘,電腦就死機了!

  • 4 kind or helpful -- 好心的,心地善良的;樂於助人的

    • a good friend 一個好朋友

    • It's good of you to offer to help. 你主動提供幫助,真是太好了。

    • He's very good to his mother. 他對他媽媽很孝順體貼。

    • Be so good as to close the door when you leave. 你離開時,請關門。

  • 5 morally right or based on religious principles -- 高尚的;虔誠的;好心的;助人為樂的

    • She led a good life. 她一生虔誠向善。

    • Try to set a good example to the children. 要努力給孩子們做個好榜樣。

  • 6 having a positive or useful effect, especially on the health -- (尤指在健康方面)有益的,有好處的,有用的

    • Make sure you eat plenty of good fresh food. 一定要吃大量有益健康的新鮮食物。

    • Too much sugar in your diet isn't good for you. 飲食中含糖量過高,對你的身體沒有好處。

    • It's good for old people to stay active if they can. 盡量保持身心活躍對老年人是有益的。

  • 7 A good child or animal behaves well. -- (兒童)乖的,守規矩的,不調皮的;(動物)溫順的

    • If you're a good boy at the doctor's, I'll take you swimming afterwards. 看醫生的時候你要是聽話,看完病我就帶你去游泳。

    • Her credit is good (= she can be trusted to pay her debts). 她信譽很好。

  • 8 suitable, convenient, or satisfactory -- 合適的;方便的;令人滿意的

    • When would be a good time to phone? 甚麼時候打電話合適呢?

  • 9 used to emphasize the large number, amount, or level of something -- 相當大的;相當多的;相當可觀的

    • We've walked a good distance today. 今天我們走了好長的一段路。

    • There was a good-sized crowd at the airport waiting for the plane to land. 機場裡有很多人在等候飛機降落。

    • Not all of his movies have been successful - there were a good few (= several) failures in the early years. 他拍的電影並非都是成功的——剛岀道時他經歷了許多次失敗。

    • You'll need a good length of rope to secure this properly. 你需要很長一段繩子才能綁結實。

    • You have a good cry and you'll feel better after. 痛痛快快哭一場吧,哭過之後感覺就會好很多。

    • There's a good chance the operation will be successful. 手術成功的可能性很大。

    • The new law met with a good deal of opposition at the local level. 新法律在地方上遭到強烈反對。

    • It's a good half hour's walk to the station from here. 從這兒步行到車站足足需要半個多小時。

    • The police said a good 20 kilos of explosive were found during the raid. 警察說在突擊搜查行動中發現了20多公斤的炸藥。

    • Driving through the deserted town we saw a good many (= a lot of) burned-out houses. 從被遺棄的城鎮中開車駛過時,我們看到很多燒毀的房屋。

  • 10 said when you are satisfied or pleased about something, or to show agreement with a decision -- (表示同意或滿意)好

    • Oh good, he's arrived at last. 好,他總算來了。

    • Good, I'll tell her it's all arranged, then. 好,那我就跟她說,一切已安排妥當。

    • "More coffee?" "No, I'm good, thanks."

  • 11 things for sale, or the things that you own -- 商品,貨物;私人財產

  • 12 something that is an advantage or help to a person or situation -- 好處;益處;用處

    • Even a small donation can do a lot of good. 即使一小筆捐助也可以幫上大忙。

    • I'm telling you for your own good. 我告訴你這些都是為你好的。

  • 13 the state of being healthy or in a satisfactory condition -- 健康,健全;美滿;好處,益處

    • You should stop smoking for your own good (= for your health). 你應該為了自身健康而戒煙。

    • He goes running every day for the good of his health. 他每天都跑步健身。

    • Modernizing historic buildings can often do more harm than good. 對有歷史意義的建築物進行現代化改造常常是弊大於利。

    • The decision has been postponed for the good of all concerned. 考慮到所有相關人士的利益,這次集會被取消了。

    • You can't work all the time - it does you good to go out and enjoy yourself sometimes. 你不能經常工作——有時也要出去享樂一下,這對你有好處。

    • Take the medicine - it will do you (a power/world of) good (= improve your health a lot). 把藥吃了——這對你身體(大)有好處。

  • 14 that which is morally right -- 善;符合道德的行為;正直的行為

  • 15 for ever -- 永久地,永遠地

    • She's gone and this time it's for good. 她走了,這一次是永不回頭了。





  • 中文简体

    令人愉快的, 令人满意的, 合意的…

  • Español

    bueno, estupendo, bien…

  • Português

    bom, gentil, bem…

  • 日本語

    楽しい, よい, すてきな…

  • Türk dili

    iyi, hoş, ilginç…

  • Français

    bon/bonne, doué/-ée, qui convient…

  • Catalan

    bo, fantàstic, bé…

  • العربية

    سار, جَيد, بارِع…








