
  • En [ ɡəʊ]
  • Us [ ɡoʊ]


  • 0 to travel or move to another place -- 去;走

    • We went into the house. 我們走進了那座房子。

    • I went to Paris last summer. Have you ever been there? 去年夏天我去了巴黎,你去過嗎?

    • We don't go to the cinema very often these days. 近來我們不太經常看電影。

    • Wouldn't it be quicker to go by train? 坐火車去不是更快一些嗎?

    • Does this train go to Newcastle? 這班火車去紐卡素嗎?

    • Where do you think you're going? Shouldn't you be at school? 這是到哪裡的?你現在應該在學校裡,不是嗎?

    • Can't we go any faster? 我們能不能再走快點?

    • We were going along at about 50 miles an hour. 我們正在以每小時50英里左右的速度前進。

    • to go down the road 沿著這條路走

    • to go up/down stairs 上/下樓梯

    • to go over the bridge 過橋

    • to go through a tunnel 穿過隧道

    • UK figurative I've got a tune going around/round in my head (= I am continually hearing it) and I just can't remember the name of it. 一支曲調時時在我腦海縈繞,但我就是想不起它的名字。

    • [ + -ing verb ] We go shopping every Friday night. 我們在每個星期五的晚上都去購物。

    • I've never gone skiing. 我從來沒有滑過雪。

    • They've gone for a walk, but they should be back soon. 他們去散步了,但是應該很快就會回來。

    • [ + to infinitive ] She went to meet Blake at the station. 她去火車站接布雷克了。

    • There's a good film on at the Odeon. Shall we go? 奧登影院正在放映一齣好電影,我們去看吧?

    • Where have my keys gone? 我的鎖匙跑去哪裡了?

  • 1 to leave a place, especially in order to travel to somewhere else -- (尤指為了去別的地方)離開,離去,出發

    • Is it midnight already? I really must go/must be going. 都已經半夜了?我真的要走了。

    • She wasn't feeling well, so she went home early. 她感到不舒服,所以提前離開回家了。

    • mainly UK What time does the last train to Bath go? 去巴斯的最後一班火車甚麼時侯開出?

    • I'm afraid he'll have to go (= be dismissed from his job) - he's far too inefficient to continue working for us. 恐怕他要走了——他實在太不稱職,沒法繼續在這兒工作下去。

    • This carpet's terribly old and worn out - it really will have to go (= be got rid of). 這張地毯破舊不堪,磨損嚴重——必須要換了。

    • I'd like a cheeseburger and strawberry milkshake to go, please. 我要外賣一個起司漢堡包,一份草莓奶昔。

    • She went peacefully in her sleep. 她在睡眠中安詳辭世。

  • 2 If a road, path, etc. goes in a particular direction, it leads there. -- 通(向);延伸

    • This road goes to Birmingham. 這條路通向伯明罕。

    • A huge crack went from the top to the bottom of the wall. 牆上裂了一條很大的裂縫,從房頂一直延伸到地面。

    • The tree's roots go down three metres. 這棵樹的根一直到地下三米。

  • 3 to intend to do or be something in the future -- 將要做/成為;打算做/成為

    • Are you going to go to Claire's party? 你打算去參加克萊爾的聚會嗎?

    • He wants me to mend his shirt for him, but I'm not going to! 他想我幫他補襯衫,我不會這樣做!

    • I'm going to be a famous pop star when I'm older. 我長大了想做一個有名的流行歌星。

    • They're going to have a baby in the spring. 到春天他們就會有孩子了。

    • There's going to be trouble when Paul finds out about this. 如果保羅發現了這件事,那就麻煩了。

    • The forecast said it was going to be hot and sunny tomorrow. 天氣預報說,明天天氣晴朗炎熱。

  • 4 to become -- 變得,變成,成為

    • The idea of going grey doesn't bother me, but I'd hate to go bald. 我不在乎頭髮變得灰白,但我真的很受不了變成個禿頭。

    • Her father's going senile/blind/deaf. 她父親變老了/失明了/變聾了。

    • If anything goes wrong, you can call our emergency hotline free of charge. 如出現任何問題,你可以打我們的免費緊急熱線。

    • After twelve years of Republican presidents, the US went Democratic in 1992. 在共和黨人做了12年的總統後,美國在1992年進入了民主黨執政的時代。

  • 5 to move a part of the body in a particular way or the way that is shown -- 做特定的動作

    • Go like this with your hand to show that you're turning left. 這樣伸出手,示意你要向左轉彎了。

  • 6 to operate (in the right way) -- (正常地)運轉,運行,工作

    • Have you any idea why this watch won't go? 你知道為甚麼這隻手錶壞了?

    • Can you help me get my car going? 你能幫我把車開動嗎?

    • Our company has been going (= has been in business) for 20 years. 我們公司已經有20年的歷史了。

  • 7 If a period of time goes, it passes. -- (時間)過去,流逝,消逝

    • I had a wonderful weekend but it went very quickly. 我週末過得很愉快,但時間過得太快了。

    • Time seems to go faster as you get older. 隨著年齡增長,時間也好像過得更快了。

    • There's only a week to go before (= until) I get my exam results. 只要再過一個星期我的考試結果就出來了。

  • 8 to be or stay in a particular condition, especially an unpleasant one -- 處於(尤指令人不快的狀況)

    • In spite of the relief effort, thousands of people continue to go hungry. 儘管提供了救濟,仍有數以千計的人繼續處於饑餓狀態。

    • Why do so many rapes go unreported? 為甚麼有那麼多人被強姦後沒有報案呢?

    • It was quite a good film, as horror films go. 就恐怖片而言,這齣電影算不錯了。

    • I suppose the concert was OK, as these things go. 就此類演出而言,我想這次音樂會還可以。

    • Your daughter's attitude only goes to prove how much society has changed over the last 30 years. 你女兒的態度恰恰證明了過去30年裡社會的變化有多大。

  • 9 to start doing or using something -- 開始

    • I'll just connect the printer to the computer and then we'll be ready to go. 我只要把列印機和電腦連接上,我們就可以開始了。

  • 10 to use your opportunity to play in a game -- (遊戲中輪到的時候)去(玩)

    • It's your turn to go now. 輪到你來玩了。

  • 11 (of a number) to fit into another number especially resulting in a whole number -- 除;(尤指)整除

    • 5 into 11 won't go. 5除11除不盡。

    • 3 goes into 15 fives times. 3除15等於5。

  • 12 to say, especially when a story is being told -- (尤指講故事時)說

    • "I never want to see you ever again," he goes, and storms out the house. 「我今生再也不想看到你。」他說著,怒氣衝衝地衝出了房子。

  • 13 to become weak or damaged, especially from being used (too much), or to stop working -- (尤指因為過度使用)變薄弱,衰退,損壞,垮掉

  • 14 to produce a noise -- 發出(聲音);響;鳴

  • 15 to be expressed, sung, or played -- 用某種措詞表達;(音樂)有某種調子;(以特定方式)唱

  • 16 to happen or be found regularly or typically with each other or another -- 與(…)同時存在;與(…)相伴而生

  • 17 to be put in a particular place, especially as the usual place -- 被放置,被置於(尤指通常的位置)

    • The sofa went against that wall before we had the radiator put in. 安裝暖氣機前沙發是靠著那面牆放的。

    • I'll put it all away if you tell me where everything goes. 你告訴我這些東西要放在哪裡,我會放好的。

  • 18 to be sold or be available -- 被賣掉,被出售;現成可用

    • The shop is having a closing-down sale - everything must go. 那間商店正舉行停業特賣——一切貨物都要售完。

    • The painting will go to the highest bidder. 這幅油畫將會賣給出價最高的人。

    • I bought some flowers that were going cheap. 我買了一些減價出售的花。

    • "Going... going... gone! (= Sold!)" said the auctioneer, banging down the hammer. 「要賣出了——要賣出了——成交!」拍賣人邊喊邊敲下了拍賣槌。

  • 19 to look or be acceptable or suitable -- 可以接受;匹配;適合;相稱

    • That picture would go well on the wall in the living room. 那幅畫掛在客廳牆上非常合適。

    • The TV would go nicely in that corner, wouldn't it? 電視放在那個角落剛剛好,對嗎?

    • If I wear the orange hat with the blue dress, do you think it will go? 我穿那件藍色連衣裙戴這頂橙紅色的帽子,你覺得相配嗎?

    • Just remember that I'm the boss and what I say goes (= you have to accept what I say). 請記住我是老闆,我說一不二。

    • My parents don't worry too much about what I am up to, and most of the time anything goes (= I can do what I want). 我做甚麼我父母都不是太擔心,所以大多數情況下我都能做自己想做的事。

  • 20 to be known (by a particular name) -- 被叫做,被稱為(某個名字或名稱);名叫

    • He had a scruffy old teddy bear that went by the name of Augustus. 他有個骯髒破舊的玩具熊,名字叫奧古斯塔斯。

    • In Britain, this flour usually goes under the name of maize meal. 在英國,這種麵粉一般被稱為玉米麵。

  • 21 to develop or happen -- 進行,進展;發生

    • "How did the interview go?" "It went very well, thanks." 「面試進行得怎麼樣?」「很好,多謝。」

    • Things have gone badly for him since his business collapsed. 他的公司倒閉後,他的生活變得一塌糊塗。

  • 22 an attempt to do something -- 嘗試

    • I've never done this before but I'll give it a go. 我以前從來沒有做過,但是我會嘗試一下。

    • "This jar is impossible to open." "Here, let me have a go." 「這個罐子沒法打開。」「來,讓我試一試。」

    • I want to have a go at finishing my essay tonight. 我想試試看今晚能不能把論文寫完。

    • We can't do the work all in one go (= all at the same time). 我們不可能一蹴而就,一下子完成工作。

    • She's really making a go of her new antique shop. 她新開的古董店經營得很不錯。

    • I can't see him ever making a go of accountancy. 我覺得會計這工作他永遠也做不好。

  • 23 an opportunity to play in a game, or to do or use something -- (遊戲等中)輪到的機會

    • Hey, it's Ken's go now! You've just had your go. 嗨,現在輪到肯了!你剛玩過。

    • Please can I have a go (= can I ride) on your bike? 我能騎騎你的腳踏車嗎?

    • I'll have a go at driving for a while if you're tired. 如果你累了,我來替你開一會兒車。

  • 24 to criticize someone -- 指責,數落

    • My Dad's always having a go at me about getting a proper job. 我爸爸總是指責我不找份正經的工作做。

  • 25 the condition of being energetic and active -- 勁頭;精力;活力

    • You're full of go this morning. 今天早上你精力充沛。

    • He doesn't have much go about him, does he? 他無精打采的,不是嗎?





  • 中文简体

    移动/出行, 去, 走…

  • Español

    ir, irse, pegar…

  • Português

    ir, partir, desaparecer…

  • 日本語

    (~に)行く, (~をしに)行く, 姿を消す…

  • Türk dili

    gitmek, bir amaç için gitmek, gözden kaybolmak…

  • Français

    aller, partir, faire une activité…

  • Catalan

    anar, anar-se’n, adir-se…

  • العربية

    يُسافِر, يَذْهَب, يَرْحَل…








