
Il s'agit du definitions du mot lié au close. Cliquez sur n'importe quel mot pour accéder à la page de détail de son mot. Ou, allez à la définition de close.

Signification de close En anglais

  • 0 to move or be moved into a position that is not open

    • to close the door/window/drawer fermer la porte/fenêtre / le tiroir

    • so sleepy her eyes began to close tellement fatiguée que ses yeux commençaient à se fermer

  • 1 to stop operating for a short period or at the end of the day

    • We close at 9. Nous fermons à 21h.

    • to close the store for lunch fermer le magasin à l’heure du déjeuner

  • 2 (of business) to stop doing business forever

    • stores that were forced to close des magasins qui ont été obligés de fermer

  • 3 to end

  • 4 to prevent people from entering a place

    • They’ve closed all entrances to the building. Ils ont condamné toutes les entrées du bâtiment.

    • roads closed to traffic des routes fermées à la circulation

  • 5 to stop operating

    • Close all windows and restart. Ferme toutes les fenêtres et redémarre.

    • It should close down automatically. Il devrait s’arrêter automatiquement.

  • 6 not far

    • a park close to our house un jardin public proche de notre maison

  • 7 not far in time, or with little time between

    • close to my birthday proche de mon anniversaire

    • There were two explosions close together. Il y eut deux explosions rapprochées l’une de l’autre.

  • 8 likely to happen soon

    • closer to doing a deal à deux doigts de conclure un marché

  • 9 almost correct

    • Mary’s answer was closest. La réponse de Marie était la plus proche.

  • 10 almost the same

    • a close match with her blood un de ses parents proches

    • close to 12,000 people près de 12 000 personnes

  • 11 (of people) very fond of each other

    • close friends des amis proches/intimes

    • Our families were very close. Nos familles sont très proches/intimes.

  • 12 being a near family relation

    • a close relative un parent proche

    • a funeral for close family only un enterrement dans la plus stricte intimité familiale

  • 13 having almost the same number of points

    • We won, but it was close. Nous avons gagné mais c’était serré.

    • a close contest between the two candidates une lutte serrée entre les deux candidats

  • 14 careful and thorough

  • 15 likely to cause offense

    • That last joke was a little too close to the bone. Cette dernière plaisanterie était un peu trop limite.

  • 16 near

    • Sit close to me. Assieds-toi près de moi.

    • to move a little closer se rapprocher un peu

    • a car following close behind une voiture suivant de près

    • There were several small shops close by. Il y avait plusieurs petites boutiques aux alentours.

    • Up close he looked much younger. De près, il a l’air beaucoup plus jeune.

  • 17 near in time

    • It was getting close to the wedding. On se rapprochait du mariage.

  • 18 the end of a period or activity

    • at the close of business à la fermeture de l’entreprise

  • 19 near in time, place etc

  • 20 tightly; neatly

  • 21 near in relationship

  • 22 having a narrow difference between winner and loser

  • 23 thorough

  • 24 tight

  • 25 without fresh air

  • 26 mean

    • He’s very close (with his money).

  • 27 secretive

  • 28 to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening

  • 29 to finish; to come or bring to an end

  • 30 to complete or settle (a business deal)

    • We’re hoping to close the deal later today.

  • 31 a stop, end or finish

    • the close of day

    • towards the close of the nineteenth century.

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