
  • En [ fɔːr]
  • Us [ fɔːr]


  • 0 intended to be given to -- (表示給予的物件)給

    • There's a phone message for you. 你有一個電話留言。

    • I'd better buy something for the new baby. 我最好給剛出生的寶寶買些東西。

    • There's a prize for the fastest three runners in each category. 每個組別跑得最快的前三名將會獲得獎品。

  • 1 having the purpose of -- 為了

  • 2 because of or as a result of something -- 因為,由於;作為…的結果

  • 3 used to show an amount of time or distance -- (用來表示時間或距離)達,計

    • We walked for miles. 我們步行了數英里。

    • She's out of the office for a few days next week. 她下周會有幾天不來上班。

    • I'm just going to lie down for an hour or so. 我就上床睡大約一小時。

    • I haven't played tennis for years. 我已經有好多年沒打網球了。

  • 4 on the occasion of or at the time of -- 在(某一場合或時間)

    • What did you buy him for Christmas? 聖誕節你給他買了甚麽?

    • I'd like an appointment with the doctor for some time this week. 我想這周預約個時間看醫生。

    • We're having a party for Jim's 60th birthday. 我們要舉辦派對慶祝吉姆的60歲生日。

    • I've booked a table at the restaurant for nine o'clock. 我已經在餐廳訂了九點的桌位。

  • 5 used for comparing one thing with others of the same type -- (用於同類事物的比較)就…而言

    • She's very mature for her age. 就她的年齡而言,她非常成熟。

    • For every two people in favour of the law there are three against. 這項法律支持者和反對者的比率為2:3。

    • The winter has been unusually cold for Florida. 在弗羅裡達,今年冬天尤其寒冷。

    • It was a difficult decision, especially for a child. 這是困難的決定,尤其是對一個孩子來說。

    • For a man of his wealth he's not exactly generous. 對像他這樣身價的人來說,他一點都不大方。

  • 6 used to say whose responsibility something is -- (用於表達誰應該)為(某一事件負責)

    • She knew the driver of the other car was not responsible for her son's death. 她知道另一輛車的司機不應該為她兒子的死亡負責。

  • 7 in support of or in agreement with -- 支援,擁護;贊同

    • I voted for the Greens at the last election. 上次大選我投了綠黨的票。

    • Those voting for the motion, 96, and those voting against, 54. 這一動議96票贊成,54票反對。

    • Most of the Republicans voted for the measure. 大部分共和黨人投票支持這項提案。

    • So let's hear some applause for these talented young performers. 那麼,讓我們為這些有才華的年輕表演者鼓掌吧。

    • Who's for (= who wants to play) tennis? 誰想打網球?

    • I've got nothing against change - I'm all for it. 我不反對改變——我完全贊成。

    • I'm all for gender equality, but I think the most qualified person should get the job. 我完全支援男女平等,但我認為最具備所有條件的人應該得到這個工作。

  • 8 in order to help someone -- 為了幫助(某人)

    • Let me carry those bags for you. 讓我幫你拿那些包。

    • Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能為你做些什麼?

    • My sister will take care of the dog for us while we're away. 在我們外出期間,我的姐姐會幫我們照顧狗。

  • 9 in relation to someone or something -- 對於,關於;在…方面

    • Her feelings for him had changed. 她對他的情感發生了變化。

    • He felt nothing but contempt for her. 他對她只有蔑視。

    • I've got a lot of admiration for people who do that sort of work. 我十分敬佩做那種工作的人。

    • He's quite good-looking but he's too short for me. 他長得很帥,但是對我來說有點太矮了。

    • The ice-cream was a little bit sweet for me. 我覺得這霜淇淋有點太甜了。

    • That jacket looks a little big for you. 那件外套你穿顯得有點大。

    • Jackie's already left and, as for me, I'm going at the end of the month. 傑基已經離開了,而我要呆到這個月底。

    • Luckily for me (= I was lucky), I already had another job. 幸運的是,我已經找到了另一份工作。

    • How are you doing for money/time (= do you have enough money/time)? 你手頭/時間還寬裕嗎?

    • For all her qualifications, she's still useless at the job. 儘管她有種種資歷,她還是不能勝任這項工作。

  • 10 (getting) in exchange -- 以…為交換,以…為代價

    • How much did you pay for your glasses? 你配這副眼鏡花了多少錢?

    • I've sponsored her £1 for every mile that she runs. 她每跑一英里我就捐助一英鎊。

    • She sold the house for a lot of money. 她這棟房子賣了一大筆錢。

    • The mechanic said he'd repair my car for £300. 修理工說修好我的車要花300英鎊。

  • 11 being employed by or representing a company, country, etc. -- 受僱於;代表

    • She works for a charity. 她為一家慈善機構工作。

    • He swam for the United States in the 2000 Olympics. 他在2000年的奧運會上代表美國參加了游泳比賽。

  • 12 towards; in the direction of -- 往,向

    • They looked as if they were heading for the train station. 他們看上去像是朝火車站去了。

    • Just follow signs for the museum. 跟著指向博物館的標誌牌走就行了。

    • This time tomorrow we'll be setting off for the States. 明天這個時候我們將會動身去美國。

    • It says this train is for (= going to stop at) Birmingham and Coventry only. 上面寫著這列火車只在伯明罕和考文垂兩站停車。

  • 13 showing meaning -- 意思是,表示

    • What's the Spanish word for "vegetarian"? 西班牙語中 vegetarian(素食主義者)這個詞怎麽說?

    • What does the "M.J." stand for? Maria José? M.J.代表甚麽?代表 Maria José 嗎?

  • 14 in order to get or achieve -- 為得到,為獲取

  • 15 the duty or responsibility of -- 是…的義務(或責任)

    • As to whether you should marry him - that's for you to decide. 至於你該不該嫁給他,這得由你自己決定。

    • It's not for me to tell her what she should do with her life. 不該由我來告訴她應該過甚麽樣的生活。

    • "How many people should I invite to the party?" "It's not really for me to say." 「我应该请多少人来参加聚会?」「这好像不该由我来说。」

  • 16 in trouble -- 有麻煩

    • You'll be for it when she finds out! 等她查出來你就麻煩了!

  • 17 because; as -- 因為,由於…的緣故





  • 中文简体

    为…而准备, (表示给予的对象)给, 目的…

  • Español

    para, desde hace, durante…

  • Português

    para, por, por causa de…

  • 日本語

    ~のために(の), ~用に, (時間、距離)の間…

  • Türk dili

    (verilen/kullanılan) için, (amaç) belli bir amaç için, yüzünden…

  • Français

    pour, pendant, en raison de…

  • Catalan

    per a, des de fa, durant…

  • العربية

    لأَجْل, لِمُدّة, لِمَسافة…








