
  • En [ bɪt]
  • Us [ bɪt]


  • 0 a small piece or amount of something -- 小塊;少許,少量

    • Would you like a bit of chocolate? 你想要點巧克力嗎?

    • The glass smashed into little bits. 玻璃杯摔成了小碎片。

    • There were bits of paper all over the floor. 地板上到處都是碎紙片。

    • She tries to do a bit of exercise every day. 她盡力每天都運動一下。

    • I don't understand this bit. 我不明白這一點。

    • I'm just going out for a bit. See you later. 我正要出去一會兒,回頭見。

    • Can you move up a bit? 請你移一點,好嗎?

    • Maria's put on a bit of weight, hasn't she? 瑪麗亞長胖了一點兒,對吧?

    • It's a bit of a nuisance. 真讓人有點煩。

    • The dress is a bit too big for me. 這件衣服我穿有點兒大。

    • That was a bit silly, wasn't it? 那有點蠢,對嗎?

    • I'm a bit nervous. 我有點緊張。

    • I was hoping there'd be some food - I'm a bit hungry. 我希望能有些吃的——我有點兒餓了。

    • Would you like a bit more cake? 你想再要一些蛋糕嗎?

    • It's a bit like a Swiss chalet. 它有點兒像瑞士木造農舍。

    • Blimey, it's a bit cold! 哎呀,天很冷呀!

    • And she didn't invite him? That was a bit mean! 她沒有邀請他嗎?這太不像話了!

    • I saved up the money bit by bit. 我一點一點積存下了這些錢。

    • She wasn't a bit worried about the test. 她絲毫不擔心考試。

    • "Are you getting tired?" "Not a bit." 「你累嗎?」「一點也不累。」

    • They have quite a bit of money. 他們很有錢。

    • The car was blown to bits. 汽車被炸成碎片。

    • It just fell to bits in my hands. 它就在我手上變成了碎片。

    • I love my son to bits. 我非常愛我的兒子。

  • 1 a piece of metal put in a horse's mouth to allow the person riding it to control its movements -- (馬的)嚼口;馬勒

  • 2 a unit of information in a computer that must be either 0 or 1 -- 比特,二進制位,位元(電腦訊息單位)

  • 3 a coin representing a small amount of money -- 輔幣,硬幣

  • 4 the part of a tool used for cutting or drilling (= making holes) -- 鑽頭;刀頭

  • 5 past simple of bite -- (bite 的過去式)



  • I think we need a bit of colour in this room.

  • We may as well finish off this pie - there's only a little bit left.

  • I brought a few things back from India - bits of jewellery and material mainly.

  • I've bracketed the bits of text that could be omitted.

  • That salmon was very expensive so make sure you eat up every bit.

  • Since the image synthesizer has a 7-bit resolution for the spatial phase, it permitted gratings to be displayed at 128 distinct phases.

  • The unquestionable fact is that intruders took most of the objects from the chamber and left the broken bits and bones exposed to the elements.

  • When the riff is put back within the context of the entire song, however, things get a bit more interesting.



  • 中文简体

    数量, 小块, 少许,少量…

  • Español

    pasado simple de “bite”, parte, poco…

  • Português

    passado de “bite”, pedaço, menor unidade de informação em um computador…

  • 日本語

    “bite” の過去形, 少量, かけら…

  • Türk dili

    küçük parça, parçacık, bilgisayarda bilgi birimi…

  • Français

    morceau [masculine], bit [masculine], (petit) morceau…

  • Catalan

    passat de “bite”, part, tros…

  • العربية

    bite الفِعل الماضي مِن, مِقْدار قَليل مِن, وِحْدة مَعْلوْمات في الحاسوب…








