
  • En [ ˈbet.ər]
  • Us [ ˈbet̬.ɚ]


  • 0 comparative of good : of a higher standard, or more suitable, pleasing, or effective than other things or people -- 較好的;更好的

    • He stood near the front to get a better view. 為了看得更清楚,他盡量靠前站。

    • Relations between the two countries have never been better. 兩國的關係從未曾像現在這麼好過。

    • It's much better to have a small, cosy room than a big, cold one. 擁有一間小而暖的房間要比擁有一間大而冷的房間好得多。

    • The book was better than I expected. 這齣電影比我預期的好。

    • She is much better at tennis than I am. 她網球打得比我好很多。

    • It is far (= much) better to save some of your money than to spend it all at once. 把錢存起來一些,總比一下子花完要好得多。

    • Fresh vegetables are better for you (= more beneficial to you) than canned ones. 新鮮蔬菜比罐裝蔬菜對健康更有益。

    • The longer you keep this wine, the better it tastes (= it has a better flavour if you keep it for a long time). 這種酒越陳越香。

    • The bed was hard, but it was better than nothing (= than not having a bed). 床有點硬,可是總比沒有好。

    • I hope you get better soon. 希望你早日康復。

    • After the ceasefire, the situation in the capital got better. 停火以後,首都的局勢有所好轉。

    • She's getting much better at pronouncing English words. 她的英語發音現在好多了。

  • 1 in a more suitable, pleasing, or satisfactory way, or to a greater degree -- 更好地;較好地

    • The next time he took the test, he was better prepared. 第二次考試時,他準備得更充分。

    • They did much better (= were more successful) in the second half of the game. 他们在比賽下半場的表現更出色。

    • I like this jacket much better than (= I prefer it to) the other one. 比起另外一件夾克,我喜歡這件得多。

    • She knows her way around the college better than I do. 她比我更清楚學院附近的路。

    • She is better-looking (= more attractive) than her brother. 她比哥哥長得好看。

    • He is much better known for his poetry than his songwriting. 他作的詩比他寫的歌更出名。

    • Why don't you give her a call or, better still, go and see her? 你為甚麼不打個電話給她,或者乾脆親自去找她?

    • You'd better (= you should) go home now before the rain starts. 你最好在下雨之前趕回家。

    • He'd better pay me back that money he owes me soon, or else. 他最好趕快把欠我的那筆錢還給我,否則我就對他不客氣。

    • You would do better to bring the plants inside when the weather gets colder. 天氣轉冷時,你最好把盆栽植物搬進屋裡。

  • 2 something that is of a higher standard than something else -- 更好的事物;較好者

    • He ran the 100 metres in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen better (= a faster result) this year. 他100米跑了9.91秒,我今年沒有見過比這更好的成績。

    • You shouldn't be so mean to your mother - she deserves better. 你不應該對你媽媽如此刻薄——她理應得到更好的對待。

    • I didn't think he would go out without telling me - I expected better of him. 我原以為他不會不跟我說一聲就出去的——我對他期望過高了。

    • As children, we were taught not to argue with our elders and betters. 從小大人就教導我們不能與長輩和上級爭吵。

  • 3 to improve a situation -- 改善;改進





  • 中文简体

    较好的, 更好的, (伤病)好转的,康复的…

  • Español

    mejor, superar, mejor que…

  • Português

    comparativo de “good”: melhor, melhor, melhorar…

  • 日本語

    “good” の比較級: ~よりよい, (病状が)よくなって, 回復して…

  • Türk dili

    daha iyi, sağlığı daha iyi, daha sağlıklı…

  • Français

    meilleur/-eure, mieux, meilleur…

  • Catalan

    millor, millorar, superar…

  • العربية

    أَفْضَل, أَفْضَل حالاً, بِشَكْل أَفْضَل…








