
  • En [ wʌn]
  • Us [ wʌn]


  • 0 the number 1 -- (數字)1

    • He had two slices and I only had one. 他有兩片,而我只有一片。

    • She'll be one year old tomorrow. 明天她就一歲了。

  • 1 a member of a group of people or things -- (一群人或事物)中的一個,之一

  • 2 used to refer to a time in the future that is not yet decided -- (用於指將來某個未確定的時間)某一

    • Why don't we meet for lunch one day next week? 我們何不在下週的某天一起吃頓午飯?

    • I'd like to go skiing one Christmas. 我想在某個聖誕節去滑雪。

  • 3 used to refer to a particular occasion while avoiding stating the exact moment -- 某一天;某一刻;某一次

  • 4 a single thing; not two or more -- 單獨一個;一個

    • Eat them one at a time (= separately). 一次吃一個。

    • I think we should paint the bedroom all one (= in a single) colour. 我覺得我們應該把睡房漆成一種顏色。

    • UK Do you think five of us will manage to squeeze into the one car? 你覺得我們五個人能夠擠進一輛車嗎?

    • With this model you get a radio, CD player, and MP3 dock all in one. 這種型號的產品將收音機、CD播放機和MP3轉接底座集於一身。

  • 5 used when saying there is no other person or thing -- 唯一的一個

    • He's the one person you can rely on in an emergency. 在緊急情況下,他是你唯一可以依靠的人。

    • This may be your one and only (= only ever) opportunity to meet her. 這可能是你見到她的唯一機會。

    • My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan! 我們今晚節目的最後一位元嘉賓無需介紹。請歡迎獨一無二的麥可‧喬登!

  • 6 used before the name of someone who is not known -- (用於不認識的人的名字前)某一個

    • Her solicitor is one John Wintersgill. 她的律師是個名叫約翰‧溫特斯吉爾的人。

  • 7 used to emphasize an adjective -- (用於強調形容詞)一個

    • His mother is one (= a very) generous woman. 他母親非常慷慨。

    • That's one (= a very) big ice cream cone you have there. 你那霜淇淋真的好大呀。

    • It was one hell of a (= a very great) shock to find out I'd lost my job. 發現自己已經失業,實在令我震驚。

  • 8 used to refer to a particular thing or person within a group or range of things or people that are possible or available -- (一群人或一批東西中的)一個

    • I have a few books on Chinese food. You can borrow one if you want. 我買了幾本關於中國菜的書,如果你喜歡可以借一本。

    • Which one would you like? 你想要哪一個?

    • Please make a copy for everybody in the office and a few extra ones for the visitors. 請你給辦公室裡每人印一份,再多印幾份給來訪者。

    • "Which cake would you like?" "The one in the front." 「你想要哪個蛋糕?」「前面的那個。」

    • French croissants are so much better than the ones we get here. 法國羊角麵包比我們這裡的好吃得多。

    • There were lots of people watching, and not one of them offered to help. 有許多人站著旁觀,卻沒有一個人主動幫忙。

    • I've received no replies to my job applications - not a single one (= none). 我的求職申請沒有任何回覆——一個都沒有。

    • Chris is the one (= the person) with curly brown hair. 克裡斯就是那個褐色鬈髮的人。

    • I'm not one to criticize other people, as you know. 你知道,我這人從來不批評人。

    • I've never been one for staying out late. 我從不喜歡在外逗留到很晚。

    • He's a great one for the ladies. 他非常喜歡和女士來往。

  • 9 used to talk about one person or thing compared with other similar or related people or things -- (表示與另一類似或相關的人或物相對照的)一個

    • They look so similar it's often difficult to distinguish one from the other. 它們看上去這麼相似,常常很難區分開來。

    • You may have one or the other, but not both. 這個和那個,你可以選一個,但不能都要。

    • Crime and freedom are inseparable. You can't have one without the other. 犯罪和自由如影隨形,不可能只取其一。

  • 10 any person, but not a particular person -- 任何人;一個人

    • One has an obligation to one's friends. 任何人對朋友都是負有責任的。

    • One ought to make the effort to vote. 任何人都應該盡量去投票。

  • 11 the person speaking or writing -- (講話者或筆者用於自稱)我,本人

    • Of course, one (= I) would be delighted to dine with the Queen. 當然,我很樂意與女王一起進餐。





  • 中文简体

    数字, (数字)1, 成员…

  • Español

    uno, un, algún…

  • Português

    um, uma, qualquer…

  • 日本語

    1, 1の, 1人…

  • Türk dili

    bir, bir şey/kişi, biri…

  • Français

    un, un [masculine], une [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    u, un, algun…

  • العربية

    واحِد, أحَد, في يَوْم مِنْ الأيّام…








