
  • En [ də]
  • Us [ də]


  • 0 used with another verb to form questions and negative sentences, including negative orders, and sometimes in affirmative sentences for reasons of style -- (與另一動詞連用構成疑問句和否定句,包括表示禁止的命令,有時因文體原因亦可用於肯定句)

    • Where do you work? 你在哪裡上班?

    • Why did you do that? 你爲甚麽那麽做?

    • Why don't we have lunch together on Friday? 我們週五何不一起吃午飯呢?

    • Doesn't Matthew look old these days? 這些天馬修是不是看起來有些老?

    • "Didn't you realize she was deaf?" "No I didn't."/"Of course I did." 「你沒發現她耳聾嗎?」「沒有。」/「當然發現了。」

    • Not only did I speak to her, I even got her autograph! 我不僅和她說了話,而且還得到了她的親筆簽名。

    • formal Never did I hear such a terrible noise. 我從沒聽到過如此可怕的噪音。

    • Don't (you) speak to me like that! (你)別和我這樣說話!

    • UK Don't let's argue about it (= let's not argue about it). 這件事我們不要再爭了。

    • formal So quietly did she speak (= she spoke so quietly) that I could scarcely hear her. 她說話的聲音太小,我幾乎聽不到。

    • Little does he know (= he knows nothing about it), but we're flying to Geneva next weekend to celebrate his birthday. 他還不知道呢,下週末我們要飛往日內瓦去給他慶祝生日。

    • "I want two chocolate bars and an ice cream." "Do you now/indeed? (= that is surprising or unreasonable)." 「我要兩條巧克力棒和一個雪糕。」「你現在就要/真的要嗎?」

    • You met him at our party, didn't you? 晚餐會上你和他見過面,對不對?

    • You don't understand the question, do you? 你沒理解這個問題,是嗎?

    • So Susannah and May finally got married, did they? 蘇珊娜和梅終於結婚了,是嗎?

  • 1 used to avoid repeating a verb or verb phrase -- (用於避免動詞或動詞片語的重複)

    • She runs much faster than he does. 她跑得比他快多了。

    • Maria looks much healthier than she did. 瑪麗亞看起來比過去健康了許多。

    • "I don't like intense heat." "Neither/Nor do I." 「我不喜歡酷熱的天氣。」「我也是。」

    • "I hate intense heat." "So do I." 「我討厭炎熱的天氣。」「我也是。」

    • "You left your umbrella." "So I did. I'm so forgetful these days." 「你忘了拿雨傘。」「還真是,這些天我有些健忘。」

    • UK "Would you mind tidying up the kitchen?" "I already have done." 「你介意收拾一下廚房嗎?」「我已經收拾過了。」

    • "May I join you?" "Please do!" 「我可以加入你們嗎?」「請吧!」

    • "Who said that?" "I did." 「誰說的?」「我。」

    • "Tilly speaks fluent Japanese." "Does she really?" 「蒂麗日語說得很流利。」「真的嗎?」

    • "I thought I'd take a day off school today." "Oh no you don't (= I'm not going to let you do that)!" 「我本想今天請一天假不上學了。」「哦,那可不行!」

  • 2 used to give extra force to the main verb -- (用於強調主要動詞)

    • "Can I buy stamps here?" "Well, we do sell them, but we don't have any at the moment." 「我能在這兒買些郵票嗎?」「我們這裡確實賣郵票,但現在沒貨。」

    • UK Do shut up, Georgia, and get on with your homework. 趕快閉嘴吧,喬治婭,趕緊做功課吧。

    • UK Do write and let me know how you're getting on. 務必寫信告訴我你的情況。

    • UK He cooks a lot does Alex. He does far more than me. 亞曆克斯常做飯,他比我做的次數多得多。

  • 3 to perform, take part in, or achieve something -- 做;履行;執行

    • That was a really stupid thing to do. 那麽做真是太愚蠢了。

    • What are you doing over the weekend? 這週末你準備做甚麽?

    • The only thing we can do now is wait and see what happens. 我們現在唯一能做的就是坐觀事態發展。

    • UK Why were you sent to see the headmaster? What have you done now? 為什麼讓你去見校長?你又做了甚麽事?

    • US Why were you sent to the principal's office? What did you do now? 為什麼讓你去見校長?你又做了甚麽事?

    • You should be able to do it by yourself/on your own. 你自己應該能做到。

    • UK What have you done (= made happen) to her? 你對她都做了些甚麽?

    • US What did you do (= make happen) to her? 你對她都做了些甚麽?

    • What (on earth) were you doing in the library (= why were you there) at two o'clock in the morning? 淩晨兩點鐘你(到底)在圖書館做甚麽?

    • What are these toys doing here? (= Why are they here?) 這些玩具放在這裡做甚麽?

    • What do you do (for a living)? (= What is your job?) 你做甚麽工作?

    • What can I do for you? (= How can I help you?) 我能爲您做些甚麽?

    • UK What have you done with (= where have you put) my coat? 你把我的外套弄哪裡去了?

    • US What did you do with (= where did you put) my coat? 你把我的外套弄哪裡去了?

    • She just hasn't known what to do with herself (= how to keep herself busy) since she retired. 自從退休以後,她一直都不知道該做些甚麽。

    • It's a global problem - what can individuals do about it? 這是全球性的問題——個人能為此做些甚麼?

  • 4 to act or take action -- 行動,採取行動

    • Stop arguing with me, Daryl, and do as you're told! 別再和我爭辯了,達裡爾,叫你做甚麽你就做甚麽!

    • She told me not to ask any questions, just to do as she did. 她叫我不要問任何問題,只管像她那樣去做就行了。

    • "Was it wrong of me to go to the police?" "Oh no, I'm sure you did right/did the right thing." 「我去找員警不對嗎?」「哦,不,我肯定你做的沒錯。」

    • You'd do well to take some professional advice on this matter. 在這件事上聽聽專業人士的意見會大有裨益。

  • 5 connected with -- 與…相關

    • "Why did you want to talk to me?" "Well, it's to do with a complaint that's been made about your work." 「爲甚麽你要跟我談話?」「因爲這涉及到一件對你工作的投訴。」

    • "But I didn't have any money." "What does that have to do with it? You still shouldn't have taken my wallet without asking me." 「可是我沒有錢了。」「那和這件事有甚麽關係?你還是不應該不問自取拿走我的錢包呀。」

    • She refused to have anything (more) to do with him after he was arrested for drinking and driving. 自從他因酒後駕車被捕後,她就拒絕與他(再)有任何聯繫。

    • "I thought I should tell you I saw your son smoking today." "Mind your own business! What my son does has nothing to do with you!" 「我今天看見你兒子抽煙了,我覺得應該把這件事告訴你。」「你還是管好自己的事吧!我兒子做甚麽和你一點關係都沒有!」

  • 6 to deal with or be responsible for something -- 處理;對…負責

  • 7 to study a subject -- 研究,學習,讀(專業)

  • 8 to solve or find the answer to something -- 解決;解答;回答

    • to do a puzzle 玩智力遊戲

    • I've never been able to do crosswords. 我從來不會玩填字遊戲。

  • 9 to make, produce, or create something -- 製作,生産,創作

  • 10 If you say that you have done with something or someone, or have done performing a particular action, you mean that you have finished what you were doing with something or someone, or what you were saying to someone, or that you have finished the action. -- 結束,完成

    • Have you done with those scissors yet? 你用完剪刀了嗎?

    • Where are you going? I haven't done with you yet (= I am still talking to you). 你去哪裡?我跟你還沒說完呢。

    • [ + -ing verb ] I haven't done talking to you yet. 我跟你還沒說完呢。

  • 11 to clean something, or make something look neat and attractive -- 打掃,清潔;整理;裝飾

  • 12 to arrange something -- 安排,排列,安放

    • You've done those flowers beautifully. 你把那些花兒插得真漂亮。

    • Can anyone here do (= tie) bow-ties? 這裡有人會打領結嗎?

  • 13 to travel a particular distance or to travel at a particular speed -- 行進過(一段路程);以…速度行進

    • It's an old car and it's done over 80,000 miles. 這是一輛舊車,已經跑了八萬多英里。

    • My new car does 50 miles to the gallon (= uses one gallon of fuel to travel 50 miles) 我的新車一加侖汽油能跑50英里。

    • He was caught doing 80 miles an hour. 他以每小時80英里的速度行駛,被抓住了。

    • We did the journey to Boston in five hours. 我們用五小時走完了到波士頓的路程。

  • 14 to be acceptable, suitable, or enough -- 可以接受;適合;夠用

    • Will this room do or would you prefer one with a shower? 這個房間行嗎?還是你想要個帶淋浴間的房間?

    • This kind of behaviour just won't do. 這種行爲根本不能接受。

    • [ + to infinitive ] It doesn't do to criticize your parents. 不可以批評父母。

    • I don't have any grapefruit juice, but I've got some orange juice. Will that do (you)? 我沒有葡萄柚汁,但有一些柳橙汁。(你)要嗎?

    • "Is that enough potato, or would you like some more?" "That'll do (= be enough for) me, thanks." 「那些馬鈴薯夠嗎?你還要嗎?」「我要那些就夠了,謝謝。」

  • 15 to provide or sell something, or to cause someone to have something -- 提供;銷售;供給

    • They are doing a special offer - three for the price of two. 現在他們正在特價優惠中,花兩件的價錢可以買三件。

    • Do you do travel insurance as well as flights? 除了飛行以外你們提供旅遊保險嗎?

    • The bar only does food at lunchtimes, not in the evenings. 這家酒館只在午飯時提供食物,晚飯時沒有。

  • 16 to cook or prepare food -- 做(飯),烹製,準備(食物)

  • 17 to develop or continue with the stated amount of success -- 進展;繼續保持;設法做到

    • How is Mary doing in her new job/school? 瑪麗在新的工作崗位上表現/在新學校裡學得怎麽樣?

    • Both the new mother and her baby are doing very well. 産婦和新生兒目前都狀況良好。

    • Are your roses doing all right this year? 今年你的玫瑰長得好嗎?

    • Many small businesses are doing badly because of the economic situation. 由於目前的經濟形勢,很多小企業都處於慘淡經營的狀態。

    • I did pretty well when I traded in my car - they gave me a good price for it. 我折舊貼換新車的交易很划算——他們給我的舊車出了個好價錢。

    • Alexa has done well for herself (= has achieved great personal success), getting such a highly paid job. 亞曆克莎得到這樣一份高薪的工作,真不錯。

  • 18 to perform a play or to play the part of a character -- 演出;扮演

    • The children are doing a play at the end of term. 期末孩子們要演一出劇。

    • She's done all the important Shakespearean roles except for Lady Macbeth. 她扮演過莎士比亞戲劇中除馬克白夫人以外的所有重要角色。

    • I hope she doesn't do a Helen (= do what Helen did) and get divorced six months after her wedding. 我希望她不要像海倫那樣結婚六個月就離婚。

  • 19 to visit the interesting places in a town or country, or to look around an interesting place -- 參觀,遊覽

    • We didn't get to do Nice when we were in France. 我們在法國時沒能去尼斯遊覽。

  • 20 to enter a building illegally and steal from it -- (入室)盜竊,偷盜

    • Our house was done while we were away. 我們外出時家中失竊了。

  • 21 to cheat someone -- 欺騙,欺詐;騙取

    • $50 for that old bike! You've been done! 那輛舊腳踏車花了50美元!你上當了!

    • He did me for a thousand quid for that car. 他那輛汽車騙了我1000英鎊。

  • 22 to spend time in prison -- 服刑,坐牢

    • He did three years for his part in the robbery. 他因參與搶劫坐了三年牢。

    • If you're not careful you'll end up doing time again. 如果不小心你還會再進監獄。

  • 23 to punish someone -- 懲罰,處罰

    • If you mess with me again, I'll do you good and proper. 你如果再跟我搗亂,我可要好好治治你了。

    • I got done (= stopped by the police) for speeding on my way home last night. 昨晚回家時,我超速駕駛被員警截住了。

  • 24 to take an illegal drug -- 服用(毒品),吸(毒)

    • How long have you been doing heroin? 你服用海洛因有多久了?

    • I don't do drugs. 我不吸毒。

  • 25 to be happening -- 發生

    • This town is so boring in the evening - there's never anything doing. 晚上這座城鎮很無聊——從來都沒有甚麽事情發生。

  • 26 a way of treating people -- 對待,待人

  • 27 a party or other social event -- 派對,社交活動

    • Colin's having a bit of a do for his 50th birthday. 柯林過50歲生日的時候要辦個小聚會。

    • It was one of those dos where nobody really knew each other. 那是一次來賓們相互都不認識的社交活動。

  • 28 a hairdo -- (同hairdo)

  • 29 the first note of the sol-fa musical scale -- 哆(大調音階的第一個音)

    • Would you sing me a do, please? 請給我唱個哆音好嗎?





  • 中文简体

    用于疑问句/否定句, (与另一动词连用构成疑问句和否定句,包括表示禁止的命令,有时因文体原因亦可用于肯定句), (在用来确认信息的疑问句中代替主要动词)…

  • Español

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  • Português

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  • Français

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  • Catalan

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