
  • En [ bæk]
  • Us [ bæk]


  • 0 in, into, or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time -- 在原處;回到原處;恢復原狀;返回;回到以前

    • When you take the scissors, remember to put them back. 用完剪刀後,記著要放回原處。

    • He left a note saying "Gone out. Back soon." 他留了字條,上面寫著「出去一會兒,馬上回來」。

    • She went to Brazil for two years, but now she's back (= has returned). 她在巴西住了兩年,現在回來了。

    • He looked back (= looked behind him) and saw they were following him. 他回頭看了看,發現他們正跟著他。

    • Looking at her old photographs brought back (= made her remember) a lot of memories. 她看著舊照片,想起了許多的往事。

    • I was woken by a thunderstorm, and I couldn't get back to sleep (= could not sleep again). 我被雷雨弄醒後,再也無法入睡。

    • The last time we saw Lowell was back (= at an earlier time) in January. 我們最後一次見到羅威爾是在早一月的時候。

    • This tradition dates back to (= to the earlier time of) the 16th century. 這個傳統可以追溯到16世紀。

    • If he hits me, I'll hit him back. 如果他打我,我會還手。

    • You're not just going to let her say those things about you without fighting back, are you? 她那樣說你,你不會就此算了吧?

    • I'm busy at the moment - can I call you back? 我現在很忙——再回電話給你好嗎?

    • I wrote to Donna several months ago, but she hasn't written back yet. 我幾個月前寫過信給唐娜,但她還未回覆。

  • 1 further away in distance -- 向後;遠離

    • If we push the table back against the wall, we'll have more room. 如果把桌子往後推至牆邊,就可騰出更多空間。

    • "Keep back!" he shouted, "Don't come any closer!" 「退後!」他大叫著,「不要再走近我!」

    • He sat back on the sofa. 他向後靠坐在沙發上。

    • She threw back her head and laughed uproariously. 她仰起頭,笑個不停。

    • The house is set back from the street. 那座房子離公路很遠。

  • 2 the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. that is furthest from the front -- 後面;後部;背面

    • He jotted her name down on the back of an envelope. 他在信封背面匆匆記下了她的名字。

    • I found my tennis racket at the back of the cupboard. 我在衣櫃的最裡面找到了我的網球拍。

    • We sat at the back of the bus. 我們坐在公車後排的位子。

    • Our seats were right at the back of the auditorium. 我們的座位正好就在劇院的後排位置。

    • Ted was out/round the back (= in the area behind the house)." 泰德在屋子後面。

    • There is a beautiful garden at the back of (= behind) the house. 房子後面有個漂亮的花園。

    • If there's no reply at the front door, come round the back. 如果前門沒人應答,就去後門。

    • He put his jacket on the back of his chair (= the part of the chair that you put your back against when you sit on it). 他把夾克搭在椅背上。

    • The office was full of computers, and we had to sit back to back in long rows. 辦公室裡擺滿了電腦,我們只好背靠背坐著,排成長排。

    • Coming up after the break, three Rolling Stones classics back to back. 休息片刻後,接下來要連續播放三首滾石樂隊的經典歌曲。

    • You've put your jumper on back to front. 你的套頭衫前後穿反了。

  • 3 the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom -- 背部,背後

    • I have a bad back. 我背痛。

    • Sleeping on a bed that is too soft can be bad for your back. 睡在太軟的床會對背部有害。

    • He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. 他仰躺著,眼睛盯著天花板。

    • I turned my back (= turned around so that I could not see) while she dressed. 她穿衣服時,我轉過身去。

    • She put her back out (= caused a serious injury to her back) lifting a box. 她搬箱子時嚴重扭傷背部。

  • 4 (in some sports, such as football) one of the players in a team who try to stop players from the other team from scoring goals, rather than trying to score goals himself or herself -- (足球等運動的)後衛球員

  • 5 to give support to someone or something with money or words -- 支持;資助,援助

  • 6 to risk money by saying that you think a horse, team, etc. will win a race, game, or competition in order to win more money if they do -- 下賭注於

    • The horse I backed came in last. 我投注的那匹馬得了最後一名。

  • 7 to (cause to) move backwards -- (使)退後;使倒退

    • Ann gave up driving when she backed the car into the garage door. 安倒車時撞上了車庫大門,於是她從此再也不駕車了。

    • Please could you back your car up a few feet so that I can get mine out of the driveway? 請你把車往後倒幾英尺,讓我把車開出車道,好嗎?

  • 8 to cover the back of something with a material, often to make it stronger or thicker -- 為某物加背襯使其更加堅固或厚實

  • 9 at or near the back of something -- 後面的,後部的,背部的

    • She left the house by the back door. 她從後門離開了那座房子。

    • The back seat of the car folds down. 車子的後座可以摺起來。

  • 10 paid after the end of a period of time when it should have been paid -- 延遲的,拖欠的

    • They owe the staff several thousand in back pay. 他們拖欠了員工幾千鎊薪水。

    • back rent/taxes 預期未交的房租/稅款





  • 中文简体

    返回, 在原处, 回到原处…

  • Español

    de vuelta, hacia atrás, de nuevo…

  • Português

    de volta, atrás, lá (por)…

  • 日本語

    元に(へ), (元の位置に)戻って, 折り返し…

  • Türk dili

    geçmişte, geriye doğru, cevap…

  • Français

    en arrière, de retour à, en retour…

  • Catalan

    de tornada, enrere, de nou…

  • العربية

    يَعود, يُعيد إلى, يَرُدّ…








