back Significado & definición

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Significado de back en español

  • 0 to the place where someone or something was before -- de vuelta

  • 1 as a reply or reaction to something -- de vuelta

  • 2 in a direction behind you -- hacia atrás

  • 3 to the state something or someone was in before -- de nuevo

    • Try to go back to sleep.

  • 4 to an earlier time -- (hacia) atrás

  • 5 in one direction then the opposite way, many times -- de aquí para allá

    • She goes back and forth between London and Paris quite often.

  • 6 the part of something that is away from the front -- parte de detrás

  • 7 the part of your body from your shoulders to your bottom -- espalda

    • He was lying on his back.

  • 8 behind -- detrás de

  • 9 with the back part of something where the front should be -- al revés

  • 10 If you do something behind someone’s back, you do it without them knowing, often in an unfair way. -- a espaldas de alguien

    • Have they been saying things about me behind my back?

  • 11 happening one after another, without interruption -- uno detrás de otro

    • Coming up after the break, three Rolling Stones classics back to back.

  • 12 to give support to a person or plan -- respaldar

  • 13 to move or drive backwards -- dar marcha atrás (a)

  • 14 at the back of something -- de atrás

  • 15 toward the rear or away from -- atrás

    • to step back from the edge dar un paso atrás desde el borde

    • to sit/lie back sentarse/recostarse

  • 16 indicates a return to a previous state or position -- de vuelta

    • Put it back where it belongs. Ponlo de nuevo donde pertenece.

    • She nursed him back to good health. Ella lo cuidó hasta que recuperó tuvo de nuevo buena salud.

    • When will you be back home? ¿Cuándo volverás a casa?

  • 17 in a reply -- de vuelta

    • Write back soon. Escríbeme de vuelta pronto.

    • Call me back tomorrow. Llámame de vuelta mañana.

  • 18 in or into the past -- en el (pasado)

  • 19 the part of the body between the neck and buttocks -- espalda [ feminine ]

    • to lie on your back acostarse de espaldas

  • 20 the part away from the front -- reverso [ masculine ]

    • in the back of the room en la parte de atrás de la habitación

    • on the back of the book en el reverso del libro

    • This last piece fits in the back. Esta última pieza cabe en la parte de atrás.

    • a beautiful yard out back un hermoso patio en la parte de atrás

    • boxes sitting in back of the door cajas apoyadas detrás de la puerta

  • 21 to be in a situation that is difficult to get out of -- estar entre la espada y la pared

    • We had our backs to the wall early in the negotiations. Estábamos entre la espada y la pared al principio de las negociaciones.

  • 22 bothering you slightly when you think of it -- en lo más profundo de mis pensamientos

    • In the back of my mind, I knew something was missing. En lo mas profundo de mis pensamientos, sabía que algo faltaba.

  • 23 constantly reminding or criticizing sb -- pendiente

    • My manager is always on my back. Mi manager está siempre pemdiente de mí.

  • 24 when sb is not there to hear -- a las espaldas de alguien

    • I know you talk about me when my back is turned. Sé que hablas de mí cuando a mis espaldas.

  • 25 away from the front -- posterior [ masculine-feminine ]

    • the back pockets of his jeans los bolsillos traseros de sus vaqueros

    • in the back row of seats en la fila posterior de asientos

  • 26 from earlier -- anterior [ masculine-feminine ]

    • back pay pago de atrasos salariales

  • 27 to give support to -- apoyar

    • Many celebrities are backing the project. Muchas celebridades están apoyando el proyecto.

  • 28 to move backward -- retroceder

    • to back the car out of the driveway para retroceder el coche fuera de la calzada

    • He backed slowly away from the dog. Retrocedió lentamente alejándose del perro.

  • 29 to bet money on -- apostar

Más definiciones de back

Ejemplos de back

  • People are going back to eating meat, and are again buying it cheaply.

  • We must do our utmost to clear the sky and bring back growth.

  • The right of veto could set us back even further.

  • This effort will be diluted if not backed up by investment.

  • The only thing is our deeds have to back up what we say.

  • There is no turning back, there are no steps backward, we cannot reverse history.

  • If we do not take action now, we turn our back on the very future of the planet.

  • I think we should all get a clap on the back.

Más ejemplos de back

Traducciones de back en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    返回, 在原處, 回到原處…

  • 中文简体

    返回, 在原处, 回到原处…

  • Português

    de volta, atrás, lá (por)…

  • 日本語

    元に(へ), (元の位置に)戻って, 折り返し…

  • Türk dili

    geçmişte, geriye doğru, cevap…

  • Français

    en arrière, de retour à, en retour…

  • Catalan

    de tornada, enrere, de nou…

  • العربية

    يَعود, يُعيد إلى, يَرُدّ…

Más traducciones de back