cross Signification, définition

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Signification de cross en français

  • 0 to move across -- traverser

    • no way to cross the river pas de moyen de traverser le fleuve

    • He came to the corner and started to cross. Il vint jusqu’à l’angle et se mit à traverser.

  • 1 (of lines, roads, paths) to go across each other -- se croiser

    • the intersection where the roads cross l’intersection où les routes se croisent

  • 2 (of an expression) to appear on sb’s face for a moment -- se dessiner

    • A look of fear crossed her face. Une expression de peur se dessina sur son visage.

  • 3 (of legs) to put one over the other while sitting -- croiser

    • He crossed his legs. Il croisa les jambes.

  • 4 (of arms) to fold across the front of your body -- (se) croiser

    • She crossed her arms. Elle croisa les bras.

  • 5 to behave in a way that is beyond what is acceptable -- dépasser les limites

    • She crossed the line when she took money without asking. Elle a dépassé les limites quand elle a pris de l’argent sans le demander.

  • 6 to have as a thought -- traverser l’esprit

    • It didn’t even cross my mind that he might be lying. Cela ne m’a même pas traversé l’esprit qu’il pût mentir.

  • 7 a wooden post with a cross piece, or a representation of this as a symbol of Christianity -- croix [ feminine ]

    • He wore a gold cross on a chain. Il portait une croix en or sur une chaîne.

  • 8 sth that combines the characteristics of two different things -- hybride [ masculine ]

    • The bike is a cross between a road bike and a mountain bike. Ce vélo est un hybride entre un vélo de route et un VTT.

  • 9 an ’X’ -- croix [ feminine ]

    • Put a tick or cross in the box. Mettez une coche ou une croix dans la case.

  • 10 --

  • 11 angry -- fâché, en colère

    • I get very cross when I lose something.

  • 12 a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x -- croix

    • The cross on the map indicates where the treasure was buried.

  • 13 two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed. -- croix

  • 14 the symbol of the Christian religion. -- croix

  • 15 a lasting cause of suffering etc -- croix

  • 16 the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant -- croisement

    • This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.

  • 17 a monument in the shape of a cross. -- croix

  • 18 any of several types of medal given for bravery etc -- croix

    • the Victoria Cross.

  • 19 to go from one side to the other -- traverser

    • Let’s cross (the street)

    • This road crosses the swamp.

  • 20 (opposite uncross) to place (two things) across each other -- croiser

    • He sat down and crossed his legs.

  • 21 to go or be placed across (each other) -- se croiser

    • The roads cross in the centre/center of town.

  • 22 to meet and pass -- se croiser

    • Our letters must have crossed in the post.

  • 23 to put a line across -- barrer

    • Cross your ‘t’s’.

  • 24 to make (a cheque/check or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it. -- barrer

  • 25 to breed (something) from two different varieties -- croiser

  • 26 to go against the wishes of -- contrarier, contrecarrer

  • 27 going or placed across -- en/de travers, traverse

    • cross-winds

    • cross-pieces.

  • 28 of mixed variety -- hybride

    • a cross-breed.

Plus de définitions de cross

Traductions de cross dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    穿過, 越過, 橫穿…

  • 中文简体

    穿过, 越过, 横穿…

  • Español

    cruzar, cruzarse, cruz…

  • Português

    atravessar, cruzar, cruz (usada para mostrar a opção errada)…

  • 日本語

    横切る, 交差する, X(間違いを示す)…

  • Catalan

    travessar, creuar-se, creu…

  • العربية

    يَتَقاطَع مَعَ, عَلامة (X ), صَليب…

  • Čeština

    podrážděný, rozmrzelý, kříž…

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